Year 2
Our Power of Reading book for the beginning of the Autumn Term is going to be “The Jolly Postman”. It tells the story of a postman delivering letters to different fairy tale characters. Pupils will be discussing how the different characters are feeling and predicting how they will react to the different letters. They will be creating a story map showing the journey the Jolly Postman is making as he delivers the letters. Pupils will also have the opportunity to perform different nursery rhymes and use everything they have learned to write back to the Jolly Postman for sharing his journey with us.
In Maths, pupils will be using their knowledge of place value and number value to create their own number lines and using their number bonds. This will continue with pupils learning more about addition and subtraction of numbers.
In Science, pupils will be learning about healthy animals and how animals grow and develop from babies into adults. Pupils will be comparing the similarities and the differences of the babies to the adults.
In Humanities, pupils will learn about how schools now are different to schools in the past. Pupils will be creating timelines to show the progression of how school have changed, from inside the classroom to the uniform the children are wearing.
In Computing, pupils will learn about coding. Pupils will get to experiment with writing their own code and seeing how this affects their programme. Pupils will learn the correct vocabulary to use when coding as well.
For the first half of the Autumn term, Year 2’s creative topic will be Art and Design. Pupils will be researching maps and experimenting with how to draw a map themselves, both 2D and 3D maps.
The focus in PSHE this half term will be ‘What Makes a Good Friend?’ Pupils will examine what a good friendship looks like and how we can build up friendships when we are in situations where friends are hard to come by.
In RE, pupils will learn about why rules are important. They will explore the rules of Judaism and compare them to the rules we have at school. This will also link to the British Value of the Rule of Law.
In Music, pupils will be learning about pulse, rhythm and pitch through a song titled “Music is in my Soul”. They will explore different genres of music through the listening activities and learn how to improvise with a song through composing and improvising.
Year 2 will have PE lessons on Thursdays, therefore all pupils are expected to come dressed in the correct PE kit on the day. We would also ask parents and carers to ensure that all items of clothing are named to help if an item is lost.
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