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Year 6: Crimson and Magenta

Year 6


Hello and a huge welcome to all our new Year 6 pupils: we hope that your step up from Year 5 will be amazing! Our wonderful curriculum will provide pupils with some fascinating, engaging and exciting learning experiences this half term that pupils just cannot wait to dive into!


During this first half of the Autumn Term, pupils will spend time as a class exploring and examining our Power of Reading novel, “The Missing. The True Story of My Family in World War II”. Pupils will use this text for inspiration to write own fictional stories based on the character within the text and act as a learning anchor throughout the half term. They will also look at the impact the war had on Jewish people and write from their perspective.


Within maths, pupils will be looking at calculating using knowledge of structures. This will entail using a combination of different parts and explaining how they can equivalent to the same whole and representing these in expressions. They will also be identifying missing parts using their knowledge of part whole relationships and structures. Pupils will also investigate multiples of thousands within number and word problems.


Our topic in science explores ‘light’. Pupils will become lab experts to solve a crime. During this, pupils will carry out a variety of investigations and experiments to study how light travels, how shadows are formed and how colours can affect light.


Throughout the half term, in humanities, pupils will be studying the local census, its relevance in the 21st century and comparing the past census to current ones. Pupils will use a range of sources while they become Historians to deepen their understanding of the local census.


In Year 6, during PSHE, pupils will focus on the key question ‘How can we keep healthy as we grow?’ thinking about or physical and mental health alongside how to make choices that support having a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


In computing, pupils will solidify their understanding of coding and ensuring they can debug systems and create their own games through programming.


Pupils will study the topic of ‘Revisiting me’ in MFL; this covers the understanding of numbers from 1-60, time and their daily routine. Pupils will secure their understanding of the Spanish subject verb and agreement through writing about themselves.  


‘Is it better to give or receive?’ is the pupil’s key question in RE. Pupils will explore Islam to understand how Muslims express their faith through practice. Pupils will relate this to their own experiences as well as the British Values.


In music, Music and Technology is the focus point for the Autumn Term, pupils will focus on the question ‘how does music bring together?’ encouraging them to be responsible and kind citizens of the world. Pupils will be using glockenspiels and their vocals to perform the different songs.


In Art, pupils will be creating photomontages through the inspiration of Hannah Hoch; they will be creating collages and assembling different pieces to create a whole picture.
