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Year 1: Aqua and Sapphire

Year 1


In Year 1 this half term, pupils will be focusing on the ‘One Day, On Our Blue Planet’ by Ella Bailey. It is an amazing story about a little lion cub who cannot stay out of trouble. This story is linked to our overarching topic of the term ‘animals’.


In English, pupils will be looking at editing and improving their work by re-reading it. They will learn how to check for punctuation and capital letters to mark their sentences. Pupils will also have the opportunity to widen their vocabulary and to try to use more adjectives that are interesting in their writing.


Knowing the chronological order for days and months is the first topic the children will be covering in Summer 2 in their maths lessons which links to one of our science topics all about the different seasons. Pupils will also be able to describe the positional placement of objects and will be able to give instructions on how to get from one place to another. They will be exploring different 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. Pupils will also be using clocks to tell the time from o’clock and half past.


In science, pupils will continue their learning about seasonal changes and different plants and trees. Pupils will also be able to describe and compare different animals and then create a non-chronological report about some different animals. They will be learning how to identify and name carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. This will be supported by Year 1’s visit to the zoo!


Pupils will be learning about Zimbabwe in geography lessons. They will be learning to identify and compare the human and physical features of Zimbabwe and Feltham – this will link to pupils’ learning in science.


PE will be every Tuesday afternoon, the children must have the appropriate kit, and we advise all aspects of uniform to be labelled with your child’s name and class.


We look forward to an exciting summer term in Year 1.


Phonics Screening Assessment

The school will carry out the Phonics Screening Assessment with pupils in the week beginning 12th June 2023. There will be a workshop for parents and carers to inform you about the way that the assessment is carried out and how you can support your child at home in the Spring Term.

Further information about the Phonics Screening Assessment can be found at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/194057/phonics_check_leaflet_2013_.pdf 
