Year 2
Our Power of Reading book for the beginning of the Summer Term is going to be “Who was Christopher Columbus?” an interesting read on the life of the man many believe discovered America. However, as pupils will learn, Columbus didn’t discover America and in fact never even went there. Pupils will learn about the tricky misconceptions surrounding the explorer and have a fair and balanced look at the legacy Christopher Columbus left behind and the explorers he inspired. This will support pupils’ learning in history as they write a fact file on Christopher Columbus himself and write a letter as if they are reporting his findings back to the Spanish King and Queen.
The English focus is going to be suffixes at first but pupils will also spend time revisiting prior learning to complete their studies in Key Stage 1. We are going to ensure pupils feel ready for the next stage of learning as we head into this last term.
Similarly, in maths, after finishing our topics on fractions, we will also start revisiting key topics. Pupils will be confident in knowing different approaches to both reasoning and arithmetic problems, planning strategies to solve all the different types of questions.
In geography lessons, Year 2 will also be learning about continents and oceans. By the end of the topic, pupils will be able to find not only the seven continents of the world but the five oceans of the world as well. Pupils will also understand compass directions and use them to find their way around the world.
In Music and Computing, pupils will be using different software to make music. In Computing, they will be using Purple Mash and looking at how to add different instrumental effects to their music. In Music, the focus will be more towards how music makes us feel. Pupils will be listening to music that makes them happy and making some music of their own.
In RE this half term, the central theme will revolve around exploring both our similarities and differences, and contemplating whether these distinctions hold significance. During the previous RE Day, Year 2 engaged in discussions regarding our collective belonging to Year 2 and Edward Pauling, irrespective of our individual differences. This theme will persist throughout the Summer term through the lens of the religious worldviews of Islam and Sanatama Dharma. Pupils will have opportunities to share their beliefs and learn how to effectively communicate with those who hold differing perspectives. The focus in PSHE lessons will be on what helps us to grow and how we can stay healthy.
Year 2 will still have PE on Monday, therefore all pupils are expected to come dressed in the correct PE kit on the day. We would also ask parents and carers to ensure that all items of clothing are named to help if an item is lost.
Year 2 Recommended Reading List
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