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At the last full inspection by Ofsted, our school was assessed as ‘OUTSTANDING’ overall. Please see the report below.


In our previous inspection which was carried out in January 2013, we were assessed as ‘Requires Improvement’. Six terms later, we established an excellent record of improvement and were validated by Ofsted as a school that provides ‘Outstanding’ education for all its pupils.


The Ofsted Framework has since been updated to reflect the focus on the importance of the curriculum and access to this for all of our pupils. We continue to work hard to achieve the aims of our curriculum intent for all our pupils by the time that they leave us in Year 6.





The Pupil Premium Award Ceremony 2016


Our school has won the regional and national award for 2016, congratulations to all staff, governors, parents and pupils for the exceptional achievement

Please see https://www.gov.uk/government/news/schools-tackling-disadvantage-celebrated-at-pupil-premium-awards for more details.


Come and see our letter of achievement and 'Outstanding' letter!

Ofsted Report 2013
