Year 5
Welcome back after the Easter break - this half term pupils will be learning many exciting new things!
Year 5’s Power of Reading book this term is ‘The Tudors: A Heroes History of’. This will be used to enhance learning across the whole curriculum.
Pupils will be linking ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of number, time and place developing their English skills further. They will work on building cohesion within a paragraph to improve their writing. The product will be a chronological report on the Tudors written by applying prior knowledge independently.
The topics in maths lessons will include pupils using the properties of rectangles to deduce related facts and to find missing lengths and angles. They will learn to distinguish between regular and irregular polygons based on reasoning about equal sides and angles as well as draw given angles, and measure them in degrees. In addition, pupils will learn to estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles. In the later part of the half term, they will recap the properties of rectangles to deduce related facts and find missing lengths and angles in order to identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or translation. Pupils will explore the idea of reflection and translation in depth using the appropriate vocabulary and explanation to show whether or not the shape has changed. Finally, they will revisit multiplication and division and use their prior knowledge to solve problems set in different real life contexts.
Linked to the Power of Reading book, pupils will study and examine a range of sources that depict the history or Hampton Court Palace through portraits, records and diaries. They will understand how the significance of Hampton Court Palace has changed over time, from Henry VIII to Queen Elizabeth I and through to the modern day. In addition, pupils will ask historically valid questions to deepen their understanding of historical context and to learn more about the most significant Tudor monarch, Henry VIII.
This half term, pupils will examine a range of portraits from the time of Tudors in art lessons. They will use these portraits focussing on colour, shape and proportion in order to create their own portraits or recreate existing portraits in a similar style to Hans Holbein. Music lessons will focus on beat and rhythm using the song ’Dancing in the Street’ as inspiration.
During PSHE lessons, pupils will learn about healthy habits and how these can affect everyday life as well as their wellbeing. Pupils will continue to learn Spanish and to develop the vocabulary to name different clothes and colours, before using these in sentences.
Computing lessons will focus on extending pupils’ knowledge of coding for this half term.
The focus in RE lessons this half term will link to our earlier work this year on the environment and consider how followers of Sanatama Dharma show care for the environment through acting out their beliefs.
PE for Year 5 will now be on Thursdays so please ensure that your child comes to school on that day dressed in the correct PE kit as set out in the Uniform Policy.
Year 5 Recommended Reading List
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