Welcome back to Nursery! We hope you had a lovely Easter break and are keen to do more exciting learning!
In Nursery this half term, our Power of Reading book is ‘Handa’s Surprise’. Through this book, pupils will learn to use illustrations to retell stories in their own words. Pupils will also be learning some new phonics sounds following the Read, Write, Inc Phonics programme and will be continuing to write their names independently. This will raise their awareness of and ability to distinguish different initial sounds in words.
Linking to our Power of Reading text, within the Nursery the role-play areas this half term will be a Safari station and a Fruit Shop giving opportunities to re-enact what happened in the story as well as creating new stories in both areas. Pupils will use different props and real life resources to support their role-play.
As part of their learning within Expressive Arts and Design, pupils will have plenty of opportunities to create fruit pictures using different mediums and materials. Pupils will also have the opportunity to try new fruits from the story such as guava and avocado.
Pupils will also continue to explore opportunities within the provision to continue to develop their fine and gross motor, speaking and listening and personal, social and emotional skills in their play. They will continue to be encouraged to express how they are feeling and begin to explain why they are feeling that way.
In Maths, pupils will begin to recognise patterns and then make their own. Pupils will have the opportunity to explore a variety of resources to do this including making fruit kebabs. They will then begin to solve real life problems using their prior mathematical language. They will begin to use the language of ‘one more’ and ‘one less’.
As they continued to develop in the Spring term, pupils will continue to develop their letter recognition and writing skills. Pupils will start to bring home reading books/phonics cards to further support them in learning to read.
We are excited to begin our last term of learning!
Nursery Recommended Reading
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