Come to this page to view your half term and end of term Homework!
Homework can be emailed to: homework@edwardpauling.hounslow.sch.uk
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Homework Update
The school has now reviewed homework provision in light of feedback from parents and staff members and the majority of weekly homework will now be paper based. Please take a look at the presentation that was delivered to parents to explain how the homework system works.
Your child’s teacher will set homework each week for pupils to complete and this will focus on practising the skills that have been learned in class.
Pupils will still be expected to complete their homework by the Tuesday of each week in KS1 or the Monday of each week in KS2 and answers to reading and maths tasks will be sent home to parents via ParentMail each week. In addition, you may find it helpful to refer to the Calculation Policy as this shows how we teach calculation at Edward Pauling Primary School. This can be found under the Policies tab. This will give you the opportunity to discuss your child's learning with them. The next homework will then be set on the following Thursday (KS1), Tuesday (LKS2) or Wednesday (UKS2) with a deadline set for the Tuesday/Monday of the next week respectively. Year 2 and Year 6 pupils are currently working on a different system of homework, which is also explained in the presentation. The homework for Year 2 will be issued on a Thursday to return on a Tuesday, whilst Year 6 pupils will receive homework on three days a week from the second half of the Spring Term, the timetable for which is included in the presentation. Teachers will review the homework when it is returned to support their assessment of your child's progress and next steps and it will be retained in school.
In addition, each pupil will be given an individual log in for Times Tables Rock Stars, which can be accessed online or via an App. The Times Tables Rock Stars website can be found at https://ttrockstars.com/ This program focusses on the learning of times tables and the associated division facts and it is recommended that pupils access this between 3 - 4 times a week for a short period of time.
Some parents have enquired as to how long pupils at Edward Pauling Primary School are expected to spend completing their homework. It is a minumum expectation that pupils in KS1 and KS2 spend 30 minutes a week on their homework. If your child attends Homework Club, then this is sufficient and they are therefore not expected to spend any additional time at home completing their activities, although if your child wishes to continue embedding their understanding of a concept through additional work, this is always encouraged. Please be reminded that this time does not necessarily have to be one sustained period of time. This is in addition to time spent reading and practising spellings.
We welcome your feedback and appreciate your continued support.
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