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Year 1: Aqua Sapphire

In Year 1 this term, our focus book will be Necklace of Raindrops. It is a collection of magical short stories that are set all over the world depicting different cultures. The stories will deal with the significance of sharing humanity and the importance of valuing each and every culture.


In Literacy we will be writing for different purposes, such as fantasy stories, calligrams and instruction texts. We will focus on appreciating other cultures and understanding features of different cultures. We will continue to use descriptive language, a range of punctuation and chronological order to structure our writing


In Numeracy we will be consolidating our knowledge of addition and subtraction and apply these to solve word problems. We will secure our understanding of number bonds to 10 and 20 and use these to begin to solve missing number sentences. We will also focus on using multiplication and division facts to group in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We will continue to explain our reasoning within concepts and explain our strategies when solving word problems.


In Science we are investigating and observing seasonal changes. We will focus on describing and comparing the similarities and differences between seasons. We will also observe and compare seasons around the world.


In Humanities we are looking at maps and using compass directions to read a map effectively. We will use previous knowledge of directional language to inform our learning. We will be learning to describe locations and routes on a map. We will use accurate vocabulary to describe physical features on a map.


PE will be every Monday afternoon and the children must have the appropriate kit and we advise all aspects of uniform to be labelled with your child’s name and class.


We look forward to an Outstanding Summer term in Year 1.








Year 1's trip to Bedfont Lakes

Year 1 had a fantastic time on our trip to the Holly Lodge center in Richmond Park. We learnt lots of interesting facts about the park and its surrounding area. We learnt about different types of trees and their features. In Richmond Park there are lots of evergreen trees! We sorted mini-beasts into 'invertebrates' and 'vertebrates' and found out that mini-beasts are invertebrates. Then we went on a mini-beast hunt in the park using magnifying glasses. We found centipedes, ladybirds, worms, beetles and ants. We learnt that dead trees make the perfect habitat for wildlife as it keeps them safe from predators. We then made our own tree pictures using pieces of trees like logs, twigs and leaves. We discussed the parts of a tree and how each part is vital in helping a tree to grow healthy.
