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Year 1: Ruby Scarlett



Year 1 pupils have been busy this half term learning about ‘Maps of the World’. We learnt about different types of maps and learnt about the four countries of the United Kingdom. We also looked at aerial maps and used these to find the landmarks of Feltham.

We will be continuing our topic of ‘Maps of the World’ where we will be making comparisons of human and physical features of a small area of the United Kingdom. We will also be identifying seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and use basic geographical vocabulary to describe characteristics of the four countries.


We will also be revisiting our topic of ‘Seasonal Change’. We will be learning about what impact seasonal change has on the plants and animals around us. We will observe changes across the four seasons and describe the weather associated with the seasons and how the day length varies.

In literacy, we will be reading the story ’Zeraffa Giraffa’. We will be learning about the features of story writing and using these features to write our own story from another culture. We will be learning about fronted adverbials and including these in our writing. During the end of the term will also learn how to write non chronological reports and create our own holiday brochures.

In numeracy, we will be learning about a range of different measures. We will compare and describe lengths, mass and capacity. By the end of the unit, we will be able to measure and record using standard units of measurement and equipment, including rulers. During the next half term, we will learn how to tell the time. We will be looking at telling the time to the hour and half past the hour. We will also be drawing the hands on a clock fact to show the times.


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In Year 1 this week...

Year 1 have been creating their own castles using junk modelling.

In Numeracy, Scarlett class have been thinking about daily routines. We have been using key vocabulary to show time, such as: first, then, next, after that.

Scarlett class have been learning at World Maps and identifying the 7 continents of the world and the countries that can be found in each continent.

We were sent a new book called ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’ today. We looked at an illustration from the story and thought about how the characters would be feeling and thinking. Then we created our own conscience alley and when we were tapped on the head, we had to share our idea.

In literacy we are investigating who the characters are in ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’ and following them on their journey from Africa. We acted out a scene based on a page from the book. We really had to think about our senses and what things we would be able to smell, hear and taste on our journey.

Today, we worked with Miss Dhaliwal to try and work out some multiplication problems. We learnt that the first number tells us how many groups we have and the second number is how many we have in each group. Did you know, ‘times’ also means ‘groups of’?

Today, we learnt all about the different types of maps. We looked at an aerial map of Feltham and tried to spot places we recognised. We found lots of familiar places, for example, Bedfont Lakes, Asda, Aldi and even Edward Pauling!

Children researched information about a wormery ready to write a set of instructions on how to make one. Well done!

Children created a secret garden using natural resources.

Year 1 RE Day

Year 1 visited the Hindu Temple in Greenford.

We have been learning about verbs and we sorted it into the past and presnet tense. We then used these words into a sentence and included adjectives and conjunctions.

In Computing, we have learnt about 'cause and effect'. We played the 'if game' and we had to follow an instruction depending on whether the statement applied to us, for example; if you have a brother, stamp your feet.

In Numeracy, we have begun to learn about subtraction. We have learnt how to use a number line to jump backwards to solve problems.

In Literacy, we have been learning about verbs and the past tense. We had to sort the verbs into the past and present tense. Then, we matched the verbs together to their partner in the past tense.

The Magic Toymaker wrote to us and told us that his optical illusion toys had been destroyed in the fire that happened at his Toyshop. He asked us to make new optical illusion toys so Scarlett class made some toy spinners!

In Computing, we have been thinking about how important it is for instructions and algorithms to be precise and accurate. We made a toy from lego and then gave instructions to our partner to see if they could make it themselves.

In Literacy, we have been using adjectives to describe how Bear was feeling at different parts of our story. Today, we used role play to act out how we thought he felt.

The Magic Toymaker sent us a letter, explaining that he had a problem! The Big Bad Wolf had blown down all three of the Three Little Pigs’ houses, so he needed a new house to be built for them. He left us a range of materials and we had to decide which materials would be the strongest and would be able to last against The Big Bad Wolf.