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Wow Work Of The Week Archive: 2019 - 2020

Yaqub, in Year 3, drew hsi idea of a clever animal.

Rabah, in Year 1, has been looking at syllables.

Matthew, in Year 4, created a Lion out of recycled materials.

Riansh, in Reception, has written some wonderful dinosaur facts, he has also remembered to use finger spaces, capital letters where needed and full stops.

Aiden and Rijja, in Reception, made their own flowers.

Rocca and Ethan, in Reception, have been practising their handwriting.

Gabriel,in Year 1, ordered Henry VIII 6 wives.

Christina, in Year 1, read and answered questions on Anne Boleyn.

Afonso and Estere, in Year 6, have been recreating their own maps in the style of the one found in their POR book 'The Last Wild'.

Isaiah, in Year 6, has drawn some of the things he is thankful for in his life.

Tyler, in Year 6, has chosen specific colours to make him feel happy and left a message for himself in the future.

Catherine, in Year 1, explained what she would do if she were the Queen for a day.

Tyler, in Year 1, ordered Henry VIII’s wives.

Annabel and Zhen, in Year 2, independently used their problem solving skills in science to rank items according to their basic need for survival.

Harry and Gabby, in Year 5, described how the three states of matter change depending on its temperature.

Jahiel, in Year 3, used an atlast to label countries from around the world.

Zeina, in Year 4, made a fair test investigating how the pitch of a guitar can be changed.

Elizabeth, in Year 1, described the features of a bird in science.

Max, in Year 4, created his own artefacts (Greek pottery) to show clues about ancient Greek life.

Lola, in Year 4, explained the methods of how to do the inverse of the distributive law method.

Tommie-Lee, in Year 3, has been studying fractions.

Yasmin, in Year 6, has written an excellent and informative piece of work showing her depth and understanding of the parts and functions of the blood within the circulatory system'

Elizabeth, in Year 1, has been exploring weight in maths.

Riley, in Year 2, used expanded noun phrases to help the reader understand more about a stetting.

Aroha, in Year 2, wrote a fantastic explanation about things that are alive.

Dakota, in Year 4, identified word types within expanded noun phrases, explaining which are appropriate choices and why.

Kofi, in Year 4, used a formal written method to subtract and checking his answers using the inverse operation.

Sarvah, in Year 1, created a text map of our power of reading book 'The Three Little Pigs' and described the characters, setting, problem and solution.

Annabel, in Year 2, explained why some everyday materials are more suitable for a specific use.

Laaibah, in Year 5, demonstrated her ability to order numbers and round them.

Carla, in Year 5, identified different continents and has explained her knowledge about climate across the world.

Rickh, in Year 4, showed his understanding of plurals, including irregular plural nouns creating sentences from images.

An Chen, in Year 4, ordered numbers beyond 1000 and explained clearly why a number is greater or less than using strong subject knowledge about place value.

Emilia, in Year 1, investigated toys from the past.

Jordan, in Year 6, showed depth in her understanding of place value and could compare numbers up to ten million!

Aleisha, in Year 6, could confidently identify and create her own examples of fronted adverbials.

Oliver, in Year 6, showed that he could engage the reader through an interesting choice of fronted adverbials.

Melissa, in Year 6, was able to confidently apply the skill of 'boxing' to accurately depict the dimensions of a font style she liked.

Devina, in Reception, wrote her name and was challenged to write high frequency words.

Emilia, in Year 1, explored the different toys from the past.

Casey, in Year 3, explained the importance of Primary and Secondary sources.

Amanda, in Year 3, identified different conjunctions and used them in her own sentences.
