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Our Aims

Our vision is to ensure that our curriculum intent is embedded within our school.

Here is a copy of our ‘Aspire’ priorities which form our school development plan.  These are  linked to our curriculum intent. We are all working to ensure that children enjoy learning across all subjects and achieve good outcomes across the whole curriculum.

Strategic Priorities 2023-24

TARGET 1. Quality of Education
1a. Intent:
· Ensure that the RE subject lead has time to dovetail the new locally agreed syllabus into the school’s existing planning.
· Review the Art, DT, History and Geography curricula to ensure that all elements of these continue to be closely matched to the curriculum intent.

1b. Implementation:
· Build on the reviewed maths curriculum to ensure that all groups of pupils remember long term the content they have been taught and can integrate new      knowledge into larger ideas, particularly for arithmetic and number skills up to Year 4 that can be applied into reasoning in Years 5 and 6.
· Embed the Music medium term plan so that weekly lessons build on prior knowledge and skills and give pupils the opportunity to foster an interest in music.
· In Computing, ensure that the subject leader has additional management time to audit the delivery of the new curriculum so that development of skills is      progressive.
· Ensure the placement of sustained writing tasks is coherent and leads to pupils having the best possible opportunities to write at length and in depth.

  Ensure that phonics continues to be taught with fidelity to the scheme.

1c. Impact:
· EYFS: At least 80% of pupils attain GLD.
· Phonics: 90% of pupils pass the Phonics Screening Assessment in Year 1. This increases to at least 95% by the end of Year 2.
· Year 2: At least 80% of pupils achieve the expected standard or above in reading, writing and mathematics.
· Year 6: At least 85% of pupils achieve the expected standard or above in reading, writing, grammar and mathematics
· The progress of HPAG pupils is at least sustained over time (from their starting points).
· The progress of SEN and disadvantaged pupils matches or is greater than that of other pupils from the same starting points.
· All pupils can confidently recall and apply their acquired K, S, U across all subjects, developing detailed knowledge and skills, and work of a consistently

  high quality across the curriculum evidences that the implementation of the curriculum is consistent and secure. Pupils achieve well as a result.

TARGET 2. Behaviour and Attitudes:
2a. Attendance: The level of attendance is above 95% and persistent absence is less than 10% [sig - nat avg 2022-2023 academic year].
2b. Behaviour: Pupils consistently have highly positive attitudes and commitment to their education. They are highly motivated and persistent in the face of difficulties.

TARGET 3 – Personal Development:
3a. Personal traits: Continue to expand the range of clubs and coherently planned enrichment activities so that all groups of pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences and are able to develop their talents and interests inside and outside of school.
3b. British Values: Continue to embed opportunities for debate to strengthen pupils’ ability to discuss and debate issues and ideas in a considered way.

TARGET 4 – Leadership and Management:
Ensure that new leaders are given additional time and support to capitalise on the induction programme and quickly establish a strong understanding of their role and the strengths and development areas for their subjects through monitoring of subject specific content and skills.

