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Reception: Red and Blue

This term in Reception our focus Power of Reading book is ‘Oliver’s Vegetables.’


In this story Oliver likes French fries, pretty much to the exclusion of all other food. So when he goes to spend a week at his grandparents' home, they promise him his favourites only if he can find them in the garden. Whatever else he pulls up during the search he must eat each night for dinner. Thus Oliver is introduced to carrots, spinach, rhubarb, cabbage, beets, and peas, all of which he thinks are delicious.


Through this book, pupils will explore the topic ‘Growing and Changing.’ Pupils will have the opportunity to discuss and learn about how fruits and vegetables grow and change. They will specifically learn about how to grow vegetables and will have the opportunity to grow their own!  Pupils will be encouraged to discuss how and why changes take place and will investigate how plants grow and what is needed to help these changes occur.


Through our role play areas, pupils will further their knowledge about healthy eating and making healthy choices through the Market and Smoothie Café role play areas.  They will have the opportunity to develop their reading skills through the use of labels, signs and books in the role play areas as well as menus in the Smoothie Café! Pupils will have the opportunity to write shopping lists, recipes and create their own menus to support their learning in Literacy through these areas. They will be introduced to 2p coins to pay for the items they purchase in the Smoothie Café and Market role play areas and will consolidate their understanding of weight exploring heavy and light fruit in the Market stall role play area.


In Maths, pupils will explore 3D shapes and will learn to name and describe their properties with links to ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’. Through our topic work they will consolidate their understanding and use of the mathematical language of length to compare and describe similarities and differences between the growth of different plants.


We look forward to lots of new learning opportunities in the term ahead!


We Love School!





This week in Reception:

In addition to the home learning activities below, please also look at the additional resources available on the general sites listed under the Home Learning tab.

Daily live Read Write Inc lessons can be accessed at https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/find-out-more/help-during-school-closure/  

Set 1 lessons begin at 9:30am

Set 2 lessons begin at 10:00am 

Set 3 lessons begin at 10:30am

All are available on YouTube via the link above.

Additional resources and activities relating to the topic for this half term will be added shortly.

Home Learning Week Beginning 20.04.2020 - English
