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Year 4: Jasper Emerald

Welcome back to the last half term of the school year. We can’t believe how fast this school year has gone.


Our new Power of Reading book is the Ted Hughes classic, ‘The Iron Man’. This story is a favourite of ours and we are very excited to use it in our lessons. The main character, Iron Man, has a head as big as a dustbin, a chest the size of a cattletruck and arms like cranes. He loves devouring anything in his way. Mankind must put a stop the dreadful destruction… but can they? This story is excellent, as it deals with issues of inclusion, teaching our children not to fear people who are different to themselves, but to learn to understand and accept them.


In Literacy, we will use the text to create our own instructions, explaining how to put together the Iron Man. We will be writing autobiographies taking on the role of the Iron Man. We will also be looking at other science fiction stories and compare the Iron Man to them. The children will then get the opportunity to create their own sci-fi stories.


In Humanities, we will be taking a step into the Anglo Saxon culture. We will be exploring the culture and lifestyle of the Anglo Saxons. We will be researching their settlements and will be comparing them to other civilisations that we have studied.


In Science we will be learning about electricity. The children will get the opportunity to construct their own circuits. The children will explore common conductors and insulators and the effects they have on a basic circuit. The children will use their scientific skills of enquiry to create a fair test to work out which materials are conductors and which are insulators.


In Maths, we will be constructing and interpreting line graphs and bar charts. We will explore shape and we will be looking at symmetry, finding all the possible lines of symmetry within 2D shapes, as well as creating our own symmetrical patterns using more than one line of symmetry. We will also be looking at position and direction and reading and drawing co-ordinates!



In science, we have started looking at the different states of matter. We have been sorting objects by their properties. We discovered solids, liquids and gases can be defined and sorted by their characteristics and properties.
