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Reception: Red and Blue



This half term in Reception, our focus Power of Reading books will be ‘What was it like in the Past? At the Seaside’ and ‘What the Ladybird heard at the Seaside’. Using what they hear in these books, pupils will explore the seaside, looking into what it was like in the past and comparing it to what it is like in the present day.


During Literacy, pupils will be continuing to use their phonics knowledge to build sentences about the seaside. They will be using what they have learned about the seaside to write comparative sentences about the past and the present, using what they know is the same and different.


Pupils’ reading, writing and number skills will continue to develop throughout the learning environment. In the Beach Shop, there will be opportunities to write shopping lists, read signs and use money to buy items for sale. The Aquarium will provide opportunities for counting, observational drawings and labelling, as well as providing an insight into the wildlife and plants in the sea. In the Seaside Café, pupils will be writing orders, making payments and trying seaside delights.


In Maths, pupils will be exploring shapes and their properties and learning new vocabulary to describe them. They will be exploring different ways to measure length and height using a range of resources such as cubes, rulers and measuring tapes. There will continue to be opportunities for using numerals in the learning environment, as well as composing different numbers using resources.


Since January, pupils have been developing their physical skills, and this half term they will have the chance to show this by participating in sports day, where they will work as teams to complete different events and activities.


The Reception team are looking forward to some sunny, fun-filled learning before the summer break and before the children move on into Year 1 in September.
