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Year 2: Ruby and Scarlet


Year 2 will be spending the next half term revising key skills in preparation for the SATs tests in May. Year 2 will be focussing our learning around our new Power of Reading book, ‘Charles Darwin’s Around the World Adventure’.


In English, pupils will be learning how to spell longer words by adding suffixes (-ful, -less, -ly, -ness). They will be looking at how the suffix changes the meaning of the word and sometimes the spelling too. Pupils will then apply this learning to write a short adventure story, using our Power of Reading book. They will practise using editing and evaluation skills to try and improve their work.


In Maths, Year 2 will be solving missing number problems involving measurement and using our knowledge of number bonds to support our mental calculations. Pupils will revise mathematical vocabulary to solve one step and two step problems, explaining the reasons behind strategies used and answers. They will revise their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes, focussing on the properties of these and identifying a line of symmetry in a vertical line when exploring 2D shapes.


In Humanities, pupils will be learning how to use a compass. Year 2 will focus on what a compass is used for and use key locational and directional language to describe the location of features and routes on a map.

In Science, pupils will be learning about animals, including humans. Year 2 will find out about and describe the basic needs of animals for survive (water, food and air) and notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults. Pupils will use scientific skills to ask simple questions and carry out research to find out the answers.


To develop their comprehension skills, pupils will learn how to infer and recall facts from a text. Pupils will discuss and clarify the meanings of words, linking new meanings to known vocabulary during discussions about books, where Year 2 will become more familiar with a wider range of stories, fairy stories and traditional tales.


Year 2 will continue to have PE on Tuesdays; all pupils are expected to bring in their PE kits with names clearly labelled.



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In addition to the home learning activities below, please also look at the additional resources available on the general sites listed under the Home Learning tab.

Daily live Read Write Inc lessons can be accessed at https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/find-out-more/help-during-school-closure/  if your child is still on the Read Write Inc scheme.

Set 1 lessons begin at 9:30am

Set 2 lessons begin at 10:00am 

Set 3 lessons begin at 10:30am

All are available on YouTube via the link above.


The Maths activities come with a short video each day for the lessons below, with a weekly challenge on Fridays which can be accessed at:


Additional resources and activities relating to the topic for this half term will be added later this week.
