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Year 3: Indigo and Lilac

Year 3


In the first half of the Summer Term, Year 3’s Power of Reading book is ‘Roman Diary: The Journal of Iliona’.  It is the story of Iliona, an educated Greek girl, who has been orphaned and sold as a slave in Rome.  Pupils will be using this story to support them across the curriculum, especially in History.


Pupils will be learning about the articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ in English and the rules when using these.  They will explore and develop their knowledge of vowels and consonants and how these support with the writing of noun phrases to add detail to their writing.  Pupils will then demonstrate their understanding by writing a diary entry of their own, using all the writing techniques from their prior learning and including their new learning related to the Power of Reading book.


Pupils will be studying measuring with a particular focus on length and mass in maths lessons.  They will investigate the most appropriate equipment and measurements to measure length and mass and develop the skill of justifying their choices. Pupils will demonstrate their prior understanding of addition and subtraction methods in order to compare and estimate in the context of different measurements.


In history, pupils will study the Roman Empire.  They will focus on how the Roman invasion of Britain began and the events that preceded it.  Pupils will study significant people during that time, including Boudicca and Julius Caesar and develop their knowledge about their significance within this era.  They will show they have a secure understanding of what happened when the Romans invaded Britain by writing a chronological report about the significant events of this time period.


In Science, pupils will study light.  They will begin with differentiating between artificial and natural light.  Pupils will then progress onto looking at how light travels into our eyes and how the sun can affect this.  Finally, they will study how shadows are created and conduct an experiment to calculate how the position of the sun affects the creation of shadows.


Pupils will be continuing to develop their understanding of the Roman Empire by looking at how Roman shields were constructed in Design Technology.  They will study the materials the Romans used to make shields and the designs chosen, in order to create their own shield.  Pupils will have the opportunity to create their design using technology and to test different materials before completing this project.

As part of their PSHE topic, pupils will focus on being healthy, particularly looking at how to eat a healthy diet and look after their teeth.  They will study the importance of a healthy balanced lifestyle, linking this to our overall mental and physical wellbeing as well as to ‘H’ in our SCHOOL BAG.


In computing, pupils will begin to learn more about coding. This will include creating algorithms and debugging them to ensure they work smoothly and effectively. As part of their learning in Spanish, pupils will study fruit and vegetables. They will learn the vocabulary linked to this topic, how to ask for fruit and vegetables and use their prior knowledge of numbers to count them too.


In music, pupils will study and learn the song ‘Bringing Us Together’. Pupils will develop an understanding of the history of music and use improvisation whilst using their knowledge of the inter-related dimensions of music such as pulse, rhythm and pitch.


PE will continue to be on a Friday afternoon so please ensure your child comes to school dressed in the appropriate and correct PE kit on that day.

Year 3 Recommended Reading List


  • The boy who grew dragons – Andy Shepard
  • The twits – Roald Dahl
  • The witches – Roald Dahl
  • Matilda – Roald Dahl
  • BFG – Roald Dahl
  • The Squirrels Who Squabbled- Rachel Bright 
  • What Are You Feeling?- Daniel Gray-Barnett
  • Ruby’s Worry: A Big Bright Feelings Book- Tom Percival
  • Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl.
  • Oliver and the Seawigs by Phillip Reeve.
  • The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy.
  • The Lion and the Unicorn by Shirley Hughes.
  • The Vanishing Rainforest by Richard Platt.
  • The Sandman and the Turtles by Michael Morpurgo.
  • Kate on the Case by Hannah Peck.
  • Big Tree by Brian Selznick.
  • Accidental Trouble Magnet by Zanib Mian.
  • The Nothing to See Here Hotel by Steven Butler.
  • Angel on the Roof by Shirley Hughes.
  • Cat in the Hat – Dr Seuss
