Year 1
In Year 1 this term, the focus book will be ‘Henry VIII (Usborne Readers)’. The book is about Henry VIII’s life from his childhood to his later life. The book shares fantastic links to the pupils History studies on Henry VIII. This book will also provide a link to our workshop about Tudor living.
In English, pupils will be learning about question marks and exclamation marks. Pupils will understand how to use these in a sentence to make their writing more interesting. We will be linking to our History learning by asking Henry VIII questions.
In Maths, Year 1 will be learning about time and will be telling the time to the hour and half past the hour. Pupils will also create their own clocks and use the hands on a clock face to show these times.
In History, pupils will researh Henry VIII and Hampton Court Palace. They will be able to recognise that Hampton Court Palace is a significant place in their local area. Pupils will explore how Hampton Court Palace was used in the time of Henry VIII and explore Tudor living through participation in a workshop.
In Design and Technology, pupils will explore the design of Tudor hats and compare them to modern day ones. They will recap different materials and decide what a suitable material for a hat is. Pupils will then learn how to create a running stitch before sketching a design for their own Tudor hat. Finally, they will create their own Tudor hat using a running stitch to combine two materials.
In PSHE, pupils will be exploring how to be polite and courteous to others and how people and animals need to be looked after and cared for. They will then explore how to care for the environment and their responsibilities in and out of the classroom. Pupils will explore change and discuss how to manage change when moving to a new class or year group.
PE will continue to take place every Monday afternoon and pupils must come dressed to school in the appropriate kit.
We look forward to an outstanding second half of the Summer Term in Year 1.
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