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Wow Work Of The Week Archive 2021 - 2022

Lily, in Year 1, wrote a letter to Mrs Sulma convincing her to have Water Aid as the school's charity.

Radha, in Year 4, researched Guru Nanak.

Shabnam, in Year 1, compared the human and physical features of Feltham and Zimbabwe.

Sam, in Year 6, explained how humans have evolved from hundreds and thousands of years ago.

Britney, in Year 3, carried out an investigation into how shadows change throughout the day.

Maddie, in Year 5, compared the Victorian era to modern day.

Jiya, in Year 4, made comparisons about a line graph.

Casey, in Year 5, described how humans change from a baby through to old age.

Damari, in Year 4, wrote a report about volcanoes and their effects.

Yashfeen, in Year 2, researched other explorers that followed after Christopher Columbus.

Thinuga, in Year 1, wrote a diary entry about going on a safari in Africa.

Annabel, in Year 4, wrote a persuasive letter about why we should protect the rainforest.

Faith W, in Year 4, created a food chain for an animal living in the Rainforest.

Jibraan and Shiv, in Nursery, explored the life cycle of a duck and a hen and labelled the pictures with initial and dominant sounds.

Abdullah, in Year 2, researched facts on Christopher Columbus.

Fatima, in Year 3, investigated and explained the different purposes of rocks in everyday life.

Aatheshan, in Year 6, explained the evolution of humans.

Lily, in Year 1, researched different types of animals and used her findings to write three facts and gave an example.

Oscar, in Year 6, wrote a postcard explaining key things that happen during puberty.

Ollie, in Year 1, sorted pictures into baby, child and adult. He then identified responsibilities that he has now and ones he will have when he is older.

Amirul, in Year 4, described the levels of risk and how to minimize the risk.

Frankie, in Year 4, wrote about different levels of risks and how to avoid them.

Vanessa and Andrei, in Year 5, looked at stages of puberty.

Rabah, in Year 3, described someone who inspired him to be active.

Nour, in Year 2, included the suffix 'ly' in his writing.

Diara, in Year 3, described a volcanic eruption using word families.

Mayan and Usmaan, in Nursery, drew some farm animals and labelled their pictures.

Abdullah and Lucas-James, in Nursery, used a 5-frame to count the number of animals and write the matching numeral on the board.​

​Tanya, in Year 6, worked independently learning about irregular and regular shapes.

Hansini, in Year 5, investigated Roman Numerals.

Leo, in Year 3, converted between grams and kilograms. He then weighed and ordered some objects from lightest to heaviest.

Ilisha, in Year 5, studied belonging during R.E. Day

Oliver and Millie-Mae. in Reception, studied different religions.

Mayan, in Nursery, identified different objects from various religions and Usmaan, drew and wrote about his Eid party.

Oscar, Surya and Cassius, in Year 6 produced excellent work during RE day.

Carmen, in Year 3, researched the holy book of Hinduism.

Prisha, in Year 4, debated if practicing the five pillars is what makes someone a Muslim or not.

In science this week, year 6 worked well in groups to teach the class about their specific animal group. ​

Andrei, in Year 5, risk-assessed different scenarios.

Elliana and Yacine, in Reception, identified what made them happy.

Jiya, in Year 4, looked at different situations in PSHE and explained how someone's personal choices can have a positive impact on others and the environment.

Fatima, in Year 3, created an advice sheet for help about healthy teeth.

Alex and Rehaansh, in Year 1, took inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy when completing their natural material sculptures.

Zaynab, in Year 5, researched and wrote about Henry VIII's wives.

Jessica, in Year 3, wrote a diary entry from the view of a Roman soldier.

Ava, in Year 1, wrote about the basic needs of a plant and used her knowledge to plant and look after her own sunflower seed.

Maddie and Vihaan, in Reception, identified odd and even numbers and used this to help them count in 2s.

Shaun, in Year 4, converted Roman Numerals into numbers and explained the rules of how Roman Numerals are made.

Masoud, in Year 5, used adverbials accurately in his writing.

Alexander, in Year 1, ordered the months of the year and written something that happens in each of the months.

Jaya, in Year 4, solved word problems involving fractions.

Nuwairah, in Year 3, used column methods then measured heights, converting between measurements.

Aafiya, in Year 4, used prefixes accurately in her sentences.

Ruby-Rose, in Reception, wrote about different places in the world.

Guneet, in Reception, wrote about 'A place away from home'.

Reuben, in Year 3, has been investigating the use of the articles 'a' and an'.

Matt, in Year 5, used adverbials in his writing.

Mollie, in Year 4, researched what trade takes place in the U.K.

Ayan, Freya, Myla and Aqsa, in Reception, drew a picture of their enviornment.

Carmen and Fatima, in Year 3, studied sustainability and what resources are made in the UK.

Aaliya, in Year 2, researched the different ways different religions celebrate and remember those who are special to us.

Amelia, in Year 2, wrote her own poem inspired by a prayer with the theme ‘my special person’.

Albie and Ishwin, in Reception, studied the 5 Ks.

Kaien, Aadya, Reuben and Tianna, in Year 3, created their own quotes to inspire others.

Mehry, in Year 1, wrote an extra verse to the poem 'Please do not feed the animals' using rhyming words.

Vanessa, Andrei, Masoud, Ellie and Maisie, in Year 5, wrote about meditating and the story of Buddhism.

Kaien, in Year 3, wrote his own poem based on 'The Cataract of Lodore'.

Hassan, in Year 3, retold the story of 'The Iron Man' using inverted commas for direct speech.

Zayn, in Year 6, wrote a book review on our POR book, making sure he has used hyphens for clarity.

Vanessa and Ananya, in Year 5, explored mindfulness.

Anaiya, in Year 4, discussed the importance of exercise for your body and your mind.

Mollie, in Year 4, discussed the importance of exercise.

Keerthi, in Year 6, discussed the importance of good mental health.

Avaan, Arya, Vinol and Soham, in Reception, describe their favourite fruit or vegetable.

Reuben and Tianna, in Year 3, explained the importance of sleep.

Rumeha, in Year 1, made a poster about how to be hygienic.

Lola, in Year 6, created sentences using hyphens effectively.

Ruby, in Year 2, has done a sustained write advertising London including lots of VGP skills from previous learning including contractions.

Catherine, in Year 3, included adverbs in her writing.

Emily, in Year 4, identifies the subject of a sentence.

Sam, in Year 6, used hyphens correctly when writing with compound adjectives. ​

Andrei, in Year 5, studied prefixes and their root words.

Lena, in Year 2, found apostrophes for contractions and explain how the contractions were made.

Aisha, in Year 1, used the different question words to form her own questions.

Diara, in Year 3, wrote sentences which included time adverbials.

Henryk and Mayan, in Nursery, counted the minibeasts confidently and wrote the amount on their mini whiteboard independently.

Vihaan and Om, in Reception, calculated their number bonds to 10.

Tiara, in Reception, calculated one more.

Jesse, in Year 6 has worked independently to convert different units of measurements. ​

Pranay, in Year 2, ordered and compared temperatures.

Vaishnavi, in Year 4,labelled analogue clocks to show time in 5 min intervals.

Thamanvi, in Year 5, investigated what happens when matter changes state.

Salok, in Year 1, wrote number sentences to match the multiplications.

Chantelle, in Year 6, solved problems about conversion of imperial and metric units.

Kwadwo, in Year 3, drew 2D shapes.

Tashvi, in Year 2, drew a place that is special to her.

Ellie, Poppie, Atta, Surya and Tanya, in Year 6, created their own art work representing what faith means to them.

Tommie-Lee, in Year 5, created a poster about life.

Arjun, in Year 1, identified his special place and said why it is special to him.

Rabah, in Year 3, retold the Christian creation story.

Ayan, in Year 6, retold the story of the monster Nian during diversity day.

Nour, in Year 2, wrote down some important messages for the new year.

Amber class made great lion heads for their PE performance and amazing dances.

Thinuga, in Year 1, retold the story of Nian.

Pupils in Year 5, created their own dragons!

Kaien and Rabah, in Year 3, re-wrote the myth of Nian.

Anaiya, in Year 4, compared different values of money.

Ellie, in Year 5, explained why the Vikings and Anglo Saxons struggled for Britain.

Cyrus, in Reception, worked on his letters to write 'Cyrus is in the car'.

Amelia, in Year 2, used a range of maths skills to solve a problem about length.

Mason, in year 6, has worked hard writing about the carnival of Nice in French and translating it in English.

Masoud, in Year 5, labelled Wessex and Danelaw in England during the Viking times

Alexandra, in Year 1, used her knowledge of half and quarter to answer questions about weight.

Fatima and Aurora, in Year 3, labelled the body parts in Spanish.

Surya, in Year 6, demonstrated an excellent understanding of the parts of the blood and their functions.

Zinedine, in Year 1, wrote a biography about Florence Nightingale.

Max, in Year 6,wrote a non chronological report about the circulatory system.

Ethan, in Year 2, explored the physical and human features in London.

Ainhoa, in Year 5, researched where the Vikings came from.

​Aleksander, in Year 2, created a timeline explaining what he has learnt about the sequence of events for the Great Fire of London.

Faith, in Year 4, asked and answered questions about the first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.

Carmen, in Year 3, researched the specific diet for an omnivore and how the digestive system works.

Sammy, in Year 3, researched Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and wrote his own sentences with them at home.

​Matthew, in Year 6, used the subjunctive form and explained when it is effective.

Jojo, in Year 2, made a leaflet all about ways to look after the planet using exclamations, questions and statements.

Faith, in Year 4, used a fronted adverbial at the start of a sentence to describe time.

Luvin, in Year 3, used prepositions for time and place in his writing.

Arjun, in Year 1, described what was happening in the picture using a verb.

Aqsa, in Year 1, labelled the containers based on their volume.

Noah, In Year 2, formed number lines.

Vihaan, Cyrus and Albie, in Reception, made number​ bonds to 5 and number sentences.

Eloise, in Year 2, calculated different ways to make amounts using a range of coins.

Gabryjela, in Year 6, has worked very hard this week by multiplying and dividing fractions.

Oliver, in Reception, completed number bonds to 5.

Hansini, in Year 5, converted fractions to percentages.

William, in Year 3, calculated the fractions of a shaded shape.

Shreya, in Year 4, calculated the perimeter of rectilinear shapes.

Rayyan, in Year 4, designed and built his own boat.

Myla, in Year 1, mixed white and black into different colours to see what happens. She noticed that white makes the colour lighter and black makes the colour darker.

Pupils in Saffron Class, created Christmas decorations using recycled plastic.

Tianna and Reuben, in Year 3, created their own illustration of Peter Rabbit.

Teddy, in Year 6, has been working doing a fantastic job finding common multiples.

Ilyas, in Year 4, assembled a boat using recycled materials.

Ellie, in Year 5, described how day and night occurs using the images and her knowledge of earth, space and the world.

Nathan, in Year 4, wrote an advert for a chocolate bar using expanded noun phrases.

Alexksander and Jojo, in Year 2, looked at different life processes and how they know if something is alive or not.

Kereethi, in year 6, has explained which components in a circuit have the greatest impact and why.

Mawahib, in Year 3, compared London to the Lake District.

Aqsa, in Year 1, planned an experiment to see which material is best to build a house with.

Nicole, in year 6, has shown an excellent understanding in commutative and non commutative sums when using BODMAS.

Alex T, in Year 5, demonstrated how to simplify fractions.

Aurora, in Year 3, investigated how seeds germinate.

Matias, in Year 2, sorted sentences and phrases and then identify nouns and adjectives in expanded noun phrases.

Ananya, in Year 5, used modal verbs well in a piece of writing about our significant other Ernest Shackleton.

Evelyn, in Year 6, used the active voice and the passive voice accurately in her writing.

Mollie, in Year 4, used expanded noun phrases and prepositions accurately.

Om, in Reception, labelled the different parts of a dinosaur.

Alex, in Year 1, retold the story of the Three Little Pigs using time words.

Chantelle, in year 6 has studied active and passive voice. She explained what sentence pattern they follow, the key features of each and converting them from one into the other.

Thamanvi, in Year 5, demonstrated her understanding of modal verbs.

Arnav, in Year 3, demonstrated his knowledge of the present perfect tense in relation to plural and singular nouns.

Mehry, in Year 1, created her own symbol to represent how she belongs to the school and defined what a community is.

Sendui, in Year 4, wrote about an inspirational person.

Athav, in Year 1, found the correct numbers to add on a numberline, added them correctly and then wrote the numbers in words.

Julia, in Year 1, named and described toys from the Victorian times and also explained why some toys from the past are still used today.

Casey, in Year 5, explained what metamorphosis is and explain what stage insects she found outside were in.

Lola, in year 6, planned and carried out an experiment to further her knowledge in the way light travels and how shadows are formed.

Inaaya, in Year 6, explained her understanding of how we use light to see.

Ayat, in Year 1, sorted objects into metal, plastic and wood.

Alex, in Year 5, identified biomes and described them.

Rehaansh, in Year 1, named and described a toy his parents might have played with.

Kofi, in year 6, researched about WW2, going into details about the Axis and the Allies.

Ziona, in Year 6, wrote an interesting piece in humanities explaining her understanding of the impact of the Treaty of Versailles

Tianna, in Year 3, researched and explained the changes in food during The Stone Age.

​Yasmin, in Year 1, identified the capital letters in a text from our Power of Reading book 'Traction Man'.

Kyra K, in Year 3, demonstrated her understanding of the plural form and the singular form of the noun

Ayaan, in Year 3, identified different spelling changes for singular nouns.

Iina, in Year 5, used the correct subject verb agreement and made her sentences very interesting using adverbs and adjectives.

Zeina, in Year 6, explored repitition in writing.

Jojo, in Year 2, explored conjunctions and has been able to use 'and' independently.

Anika and Ansh, in Year 5, studied the use of the correct subject verb agreement.

Sammy, in Year 3, identified and discussed whether conjunctions could be used at the beginning of a sentence.

Matthew, in Year 6, independently identified the importance of key repeated words in a text and how this impacts the reader.

Luvin, in Year 3, studied the parts of The Stone Age.

Ardra, in Year 4, calculate 1000 more and 1000 less than a given number.

Aroush, in Year 1, counted the counters and circled which group had more.

Tanya, in Year 6, worked exceptionally hard at the start of our maths topic, which is place value.

Aela, in Year 6, has worked very hard in her understanding of place value and has created a solid base of understanding for her learning.

Maisie and Ellie, in Year 5, studied place value and rounded numbers to the nearest 10.

William, in Year 3, partitioned 3-digit numbers.
