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Year 3: Indigo and Lilac

This half term Year 3’s Power of Reading book will be ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. This is a great book about a miraculous journey in search of Oliver’s parents, about identity and belonging. It’s a heart-warming journey and from this pupils will write biographies, fantasy stories and performance poetry. This half term the literacy focus will be purpose and audience: we want to ensure the pupils understand the importance of relevant word choices to impact the reader across a variety of text types and genres.


In Maths, pupils are moving into statistics where they will have the opportunity to collect and present data in a variety of ways. Additionally, in our final half term pupils will revisit and recap many of the topics from the year: deepening their knowledge, skills and understanding about fractions and using the four operations in word problems.


Following on from our Take One week about light, Year 3 will continue to investigate this topic even further. Pupils will write a biography about Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb. Also pupils will recognise concepts such as needing light in order to see things and that darkness is the absence of light. They will also notice that light is reflected from surfaces; that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect the eye; that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object; and pupils will investigate patterns in the way the size of shadows change.


Year 3’s final topic in humanities will be the geography of the UK. Pupils will be expected to name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, focusing on specific geographical regions. The human and physical characteristics and key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers) will be identified. Pupils will also carry out research to create maps and give directions of an area within the UK. This gives the opportunity to use the eight points of a compass and the relevant vocabulary, linking to Maths.


Just as a quick reminder, there will be no changes to the PE and swimming timetable. This will stay the same until the very end of the school year so please ensure that pupils have the correct kit in school every Wednesday.


We would like to thank parents and carers for all their support throughout the year and look forward to a fun, but filled with learning and experiences, half term.


We Love School!

Pupils researched spiders to create sub headings and paragraphs about them. The pupils put the correct sentences under the correct sub heading about pandas.

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