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Year 1: Aqua and Sapphire

In Year 1 this term our focus book will be ‘Necklace of Raindrops’. It is a collection of magical short stories that are set all over the world depicting different cultures. The stories will deal with the significance of sharing humanity and the importance of valuing each and every culture.


In Literacy, pupils will write for different purposes such as fantasy stories, calligrams and instruction texts. They will focus on appreciating other cultures and understanding the features of these different cultures. Pupils will continue to use descriptive language, a range of punctuation and chronological order to structure their writing


In Numeracy, pupils will consolidate their knowledge of division using pictorial representations and objects to share amounts equally. Additionally, they will solve word problems involving division and use sharing to show working out. Pupils will apply their knowledge of division to find fractions of shapes and amounts. They will recognise fractions as parts of a whole. Finally, pupils will make links between fractions of an amount to learn about position and direction. They will use accurate terminology to describe movements and positions.


In Science, Year 1 is investigating and observing seasonal changes. Pupils will focus on describing comparing the similarities and differences between seasons. They will also observe and compare seasons around the world.


In Humanities, pupils will identify seasonal and daily weather patterns within the UK. They will make contextual links to other countries in the world where hot and cold weather differs in relation to the Equator and the North and South poles. Pupils will use their skills of simple fieldwork and observational skills. .


PE will be every Monday afternoon and the pupils must have the appropriate kit in school each week. We would advise that all school uniform should be labelled with your child’s name and class.


We look forward to an outstanding Summer term in Year 1.


We love School!



This week in Year 1!

Come and see our classrooms!
