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Year 6: Crimson, Magenta and Rose

The Power of Reading book this term is ‘The Wind Singer.’ Kestrel and Bowman Hath are rebels against a repressive regime, where people are placed in communities according to their rating.


In Literacy, we will use this text to help us shape, plan and complete exciting, high-level adventure stories, balanced arguments and poetry. Our focus in writing will be cohesion across each piece, as well as the development of varied clause structures. Pupils will be helped to widen their vocabulary and grammar to ensure that non-fiction work is advanced and engaging.


In Maths, we will return to statistics, shape, measurement and fractions. We will ensure that all pupils have a strong grasp of the links between fractions, percentages and decimals. Pupils will see how these concepts are used in measurement, which will be a significant unit this term. They will consolidate this learning through problem solving, applying their technical knowledge to real life situations.


In Science, we will be exploring light, recognising that light appears to travel in straight lines and that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. The pupils will understand that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes. We will use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.


In humanities, our work this term is created to construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant geographical information. Looking at the water cycle we will investigate how critical this important feature of Earth is to our survival.


In religion, we will study Sikhism, exploring how this important religion relates to the world around it.


PE continues to be run on Fridays, and we would ask that all pupils are correctly dressed for that each week!


We are looking forward to an amazing final term!




Key Stage 2 SATs Tests timetable 2018



Monday 14th May

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1: question

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 2: spellings

Tuesday 15th  May

English Reading

Wednesday 16th  May

Mathematics Paper 1: Arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 2: Reasoning

Thursday 17th May

Mathematics Paper 3: Reasoning


The government has produced a leaflet for parents with information about the end of key stage assessments which can be found below. There are also some videos which can be found at https://registration.livegroup.co.uk/sta/ContentTabs/?ctid=1345 If you have any questions about the assessments, please ask a member of the Year 6 team.



Information for parents - Key Stage 1 and 2 end of key stage assessments 2018.

RE Day in Year 6

We have started our new topic about the human body. Today, we identified different organs in the human body and began to discuss why they are important, and what functions they each perform.

We have been writing free verse poems about Spring Time. We used a series of images to write expanded noun phrases, similes, metaphors and use personification in our writing.

Year 6 have started a whole new Science topic; they used ICT to research and retrieve information about organs and the human body.

Bush survival, tech challenge and zip lining have all been accomplished and it's only lunch time. Archery, Aeroball and a movie night are to follow.