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Year 2: Ruby and Scarlet

Year 2


Year 2 will be focussing their learning around their new Power of Reading book, Atlas of Adventures- Wonders of the World. Pupils will not only be exploring the book in English or reading, but also across the curriculum.


In English, Year 2 pupils will be writing a brochure where they will learn about –proof-reading and making additions to their work to help improve a piece of text that they have created. Pupils will be evaluating their work by checking their punctuation, grammar and vocabulary choice to enable them to write detailed and cohesive pieces of writing.


In maths, Year 2 will be looking at positional and directional language and they will use these skills to read maps and give one another directions using language relating to half and quarter turns as well as exploring clockwise and anti-clockwise. Pupils will then move on to interpreting and constructing simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables as ways of presenting data.


In humanities, we will be learning about holiday locations. Year 2 will learn about weather and climate around the world relating to locations near and far from the Equator and the North and South Poles. Pupils will also take part in a trip to the beach to explore British weather!


In music, Year 2 pupils will listen to, review, and evaluate music across a range of styles, including the works of the great composers.


In RE, pupils will continue to look at religions from around the world. Pupils will look more closely at the religion of Christianity and see what lessons can be learnt from stories about Jesus in the Bible.


In computing, pupils will learn how to enter and print text, save and retrieve work by using word processing programs on laptops and iPads.


To develop their comprehension skills, Year 2 pupils will be using their Power of Reading book to enhance their knowledge of non-fiction texts, looking at how they are structures and how they can be used. Pupils will be encouraged to check a text makes sense to them when reading and will be given strategies to use in order to do this independently.


Year 2 will continue to have PE on Tuesday; therefore, all pupils are expected to come dressed in their PE kits on the day.
