Welcome back after the holiday!
In English, the pupils’ Power of Reading book will be ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases: Let's Investigate’. This book will allow pupils to develop their understanding of the properties and changes of materials. They will also look into how they can convert nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes. Pupils will look at how all the previous elements of learning can be linked together to create outstanding pieces of writing.
In Maths, Year 5 will be developing their understanding of measuring and calculating the perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes. They will look at how their prior learning links to this and will be able to use this knowledge to support them in developing their fluency and independence within Maths. Finally, pupils will use their reasoning skills to solve complex problems.
In Science, pupils will investigate materials and their properties. Through our Power of Reading Text they will explore the different properties of materials and will develop their reasoning skills to consider which materials are suited to different scenarios. Pupils will also develop their understanding of reversible and irreversible changes through practical hands on Science. Alongside this, they will develop their scientific skills of enquiry as they plan and develop fair tests and record their findings in appropriate ways.
As part of the wider curriculum coverage that will be on offer, pupils will have the opportunity to visit the Science Museum alongside looking at how technological advances in Science help develop our understanding. This will link to their wider learning including Computing where pupils will continue to look at how computer programs are used in daily life.
As a reminder, homework will continue to be set every Wednesday to be completed by the following Monday. Pupils are also expected to bring in the correct PE kit every Wednesday.
Please also keep an eye on the school’s website for updates and ‘Wow Work’.
If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to any member of the Year 5 team.
We look forward to the remainder of an excellent Spring term!
We Love School!
The Maths activities below have videos to accompany them for parents to watch before working with your child. In addition, there will be a weekly challenge on Fridays. These can be accessed at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Additional activities related to the topic for this half term will be added to the website shortly. Please also monitor your ParentMail account for information about online learning.
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