Year 6
Welcome back to our final and incredibly exciting half term! Our wonderful curriculum will provide our pupils with some fascinating, engaging and exciting learning experiences this half term that pupils just can’t wait to dive into!
Continuing this Summer Term, pupils will use their Power of Reading book, “Amazing Evolution: The Journey of Life,” to support them in their learning. The book ties together all areas of learning from across the curriculum, particularly science, where pupils will begin their learning on evolution and inheritance. They will learn about how animals and plants are adapted to their environment and write an explanation text to share what they have understood. Pupils will also learn to recognise that living things produce offspring that are similar to their parents.
Within maths lessons, Year 6 will also develop their understanding of how to draw and interpret data from line graphs and pie charts. Pupils will learn about the difference between these two types of data display. Using this knowledge, they will then begin to study how these skills can be applied across different types of data and real-life applications.
Our wonderful curriculum will also provide us with excellent opportunities to examine the concepts of adaptation and inheritance. Pupils will explore how animals and other living things have adapted to suit their environment. As part of the Computing curriculum, pupils will develop their programming skills further this half term by focusing on these skills.
Pupils will explore Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism this half term in RE and focus on the discussion ‘Is this the only life there is? In Spanish, pupils will learn about various destinations and locations within the country and apply their knowledge of vocabulary to form descriptions of these areas.
Year 6 will also focus on transition as they prepare to move on to secondary school in September.
In Design Technology, pupils will explore the use of different mechanisms to create moving objects. They will use animals as a basis for their work. Pupils will also evaluate their finished work and consider how they might improve or alter their work, after completion. For music, pupils will continue to explore how to sing together as a group and harmonize their vocals, as they rehearse for our end of year production!
All Year 6 pupils are also expected to wear the correct PE kit into school, every Wednesday for their PE lessons.
Year 6 Key Stage 2 SATs Tests
Pupils in Year 6 will sit the end of Key Stage 2 SATs tests in the week beginning 8th May 2023. Due to the additional bank holiday to mark the King's coronation, the timetable will be as follows:
Tuesday 9th May: Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Papers 1 and 2
Wednesday 10th May: Reading Paper
Thursday 11th May: Maths Arithmetic Paper and Reasoning Paper 1
Friday 12th May: Maths Reasoning Paper 2
There will be a workshop for parents and carers in the Spring Term to discuss the way in which the tests will be carried out. In addition, we are planning to hold our regular Easter Tuition during the Easter holidays and there will be a free Breakfast Club for Year 6 pupils in the week of the tests.
For further information, please see the leaflet at
All parents and carers need to apply for a place at secondary school for their child currently in Year 6 by 31st October 2022.
Please see above the brochure giving details of the secondary schools in London Borough of Hounslow. You may also wish to look at schools outside Hounslow, for example those nearby in Surrey or in Richmond.
Year 6 pupils from our school transitioned to a range of schools in September 2022. These included:
Bolder Academy
Brentford School for Girls
Hampton High
Isleworth and Syon Boys
Rivers Academy
Springwest Academy
St Paul's Catholic College
Sunbury Manor
Teddington School
The Bishop Wand C of E School
The Green School for Boys
Thomas Knyvett
Twickenham School
Some of our pupils gained places at grammar and independent schools including:
St Bernard's Catholic Grammar School
Colchester County Grammar School
Hampton School
St James' Senior Boys School
Halliford School
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