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Year 3: Indigo and Lilac

Year 3


In Year 3 this half term, pupils will focus on the book ‘How the World Works’ which is a non-fiction book about different aspects of the planet that we live on.


Pupils will be learning the skill of using subheadings and headings in their writing.  They will have the opportunity to explore the purpose of subheadings and how these can be used to support the text that they are writing.  Pupils will use this skill independently as they will be writing a biography about Charles Francis Richter who created the Richter scale to measure earthquakes.


This will link to pupils’ learning about some of the key aspects of geography including mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes.


In maths, pupils will compare different masses and learn to subtract different masses from a total. They will go on to answer one-step and two-step word problem questions including those where they have to find how much more mass there is. Later on in the term, pupils will use bar charts and pictograms to find answers to other word problems.   


Pupils will investigate light and conduct experiments to measure the length of a shadow as part of their science topic this half term. They will go on to investigate how some objects needs to be touching each other to create a force before linking this to learning about magnets and magnetic forces. Pupils will also create their own experiment to help them understand how light travels through different objects.


Sound effects for a video game will be the focus of our learning in music using tuned percussion.  Pupils will have the opportunity to understand musical notation and rhythmic patterns as part of this topic.


In PSHE lessons, pupils will continue their learning about keeping healthy and active.  This half term, they will focus on sleep and how this supports a healthy body and mind.


P.E. for Lilac Class and Indigo class will continue on a Tuesday morning so please ensure that your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit on that day. If you have any questions please do let us know through the school office.
