Year 6
We’d like to welcome our Year 6 pupils back after a long and well-deserved end of term break. We hope that everyone enjoyed the time off. As we move into our final term of the year, we look forward to rounding the academic year off with great success!
This term, Year 6 will use their Power of Reading book, “Amazing Evolution: The Journey of Life,” to support them in their learning. The book ties together all areas of learning from across the curriculum, particularly science, where pupils will begin their learning on evolution and inheritance. Pupils will learn about how animals and plants are adapted to their environment and write an explanation text to share what they have understood. They will also learn to recognise that living things produce offspring that are similar to their parents.
To aid them in their explanations, Year 6 will learn about the perfect form of verbs to enable them to provide clarity and cohesion in what they have written. They will also further their skills of comprehension through reading, using biographies and writings based on their significant individual, Alfred Russel Wallace, to understand how his exploration of the world enabled further advances in scientific understanding. Pupils will study maps of the areas covered in his adventures and use their learning from maths to use coordinates successfully.
Throughout their topic focus, Year 6 will also consider the impact humans have on the world around them and the knock-on effect we can have on wildlife and their habitats. Pupils will learn about sustainability and the ways old and unwanted materials can be used to create new things! Through Art and Design, pupils will study the art of Derek Gores, Khalil Chishtee and Nick Gentry and use these artists as inspiration to create their own recycled art sculptures that depict changes over time.
Keeping with the theme of change, through their study of R.E. pupils will explore the place of religions in modern society and seek to answer the question, “Will Jesus be as important in 2000 years as he is today?” They will explore the key teachings of Christianity and how these relate to our lives today. Pupils will also consider how these teachings relate to their own religious/philosophical perspectives and make comparisons.
Through their study of computing and French, pupils will learn how to provide clear and concise instructions. Pupils will learn how to use computers to debug algorithms and ensure they create fully functioning programmes and they will also learn how to give directional instructions in French, which they will have the opportunity to combine across computing and French lessons to put both skills to the test!
PE lessons will continue on Fridays so please ensure that your child comes to school dressed in the correct PE kit – details can be found in the Uniform Policy.
It’s an exciting half term ahead!
The Year 6 team would just like to thank all parents and carers for the continued support over the course of this year, particularly on the build up to SATs. The turnout for Easter Tuition was fantastic and this has really helped ease pupils’ nerves as we come closer to the tests.
As always, if you would like any further information relating to SATs or any other matters Year 6 related, please contact the team via the main office. We look forward to celebrating more success as we move through the Summer Term! Continue to keep an eye on the website for examples of the fantastic work pupils produce!
Last term, all parents and carers of pupils due to be in Year 6 this year were sent the letter above.
Please ensure that you have read the letter and be aware that you must make an application for a place for your child at secondary school by 31st October 2021. If you have not made an application by this date, your child will not receive the offer of a place on National Offer Day in March 2022.
To do this, you will need to apply via the e-portal. This can be accessed via the London Borough of Hounslow Admissions webpage at
You should list more than one school on your application and ensure that these are listed in order of preference. All schools that you apply for will be asked to consider if they can offer your child a place and your child will receive a place from the highest ranked school making an offer. Please note that some schools have additional requirements - you should check to see if you are required to complete a supplementary form.
Most schools are hosting events for prospective pupils and parents/carers - please check the brochure which can be accessed via the letter above.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
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