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Year 6: Crimson and Magenta

Year 6


The Power of Reading book this term for year 6 is ‘The Last Wild.’ The book offers a very interesting and engaging depiction of a dystopian future and serves very nicely as an entry point to the topic.


In Literacy, pupils will use this text to help shape, plan and complete exciting, high level adventure stories, balanced arguments and poetry. The focus in writing will be cohesion across each piece, as well as the development and varied use of clause structures. Pupils will be helped to increase the range of their vocabulary and grammar to ensure that non-fiction work is well-written and engaging.


In Numeracy, pupils will return to working with statistics, measurement and fractions. Through their study, pupils will develop a stronger grasp on the links between fractions, percentages and decimals and the relationship this knowledge has with their wider learning. They will see how these features are used in measurement, which will be a significant unit this term. Pupils will consolidate this learning through problem solving, applying their technical knowledge to real-life situations.


In Science, pupils will explore light, recognising that light appears to travel in straight lines and that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. They will understand that objects are seen because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes. Pupils will use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.


In Humanities, our work this term is created to construct informed responses that involve the thoughtful selection and organization of relevant geographical information. Looking at the water cycle, pupils will investigate how critical this important feature of Earth is to our survival.


In RE, pupils will study Sikhism, exploring how this important religion relates to the world around it and supported by a trip to a Gurdwara.


PE continues to be on Fridays, and we would ask that all pupils have kit with them every week. For those pupils who are participating in additional swimming lessons, their swimming kit should be in school every Wednesday as well.


We are looking forward to an amazing final term!


We Love School!

Secondary School Applications for September 2019

The deadline for the receipt of applications for secondary school places is 31st October 2018. If you have not made an application by this date, your child will not receive an offer of a place on National Offer Day in March 2019.


Applications must be made online. The brochure, details of the open evenings for each school in London Borough of Hounslow and a guide to making your application can be found on the Admissions website (see link below). The address of the E-Admissions page is https://www.eadmissions.org.uk/eAdmissions/app and documents can be downloaded at https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/info/20032/secondary_admissions/1087/apply_to_transfer_to_secondary_school_for_sept_2018 .


London Borough of Hounslow have arranged an information evening to be held on Monday 10th September at 7pm at the Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4DN.

It's been another eventful day with loads of problem solving challenges indoors due to the rain but it's been great fun. We can't believe there's only one sleep left until we're home again! It's been a blink.

It's been a wet day but we're still keeping active! Aeroball and Environmental Art were a blast!

Another busy day of activities checked off the list and a lot of personal targets achieved! Now we're all looking forward to the disco later.

Another very eventful morning has been had all round. We can't believe we're already half way through the week!

Another busy day has truly been had but it's not over yet! Mini Olympics will wrap up our evening before we all wind down for the night. What a day!

Fencing, 3G Swing and Leap of Faith all completed and it's not even lunch time yet! We're having a blast!

Breakfast was great! Now to start the day with some adrenaline-fuelled, high-in-the air activities!

Year 6 arrived safely and got straight down to business! After a lovely dinner, we're now getting ready for our final activity of the evening before winding down for the night.
