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Year 2: Aqua Topaz


Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome back to all our pupils and families – we hope you had an enjoyable half term.



This term, we will be busy preparing for our imminent SATs tests. These tests will be spread over the next term, and we would like to take this chance to reassure all our parents that we aim to do this in the most stress-free way possible for the children. We do this to enable our children to perform at their best and remind our parents that the results the children receive in their SATs tests make up only one part of their KS1 result – their work in books and day-to-day work are also taken into account during moderation exercises.



In Numeracy, we will continue to extend our skills. We will be revising topics from across the maths curriculum, and focussing in particular on revising written methods for calculating with the four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also be looking in more detail at money and measures and how to use our calculating skills with these.



In Literacy, we will continue to study information texts, and use our ICT skills to gather information and answer questions. We will write detailed character descriptions using fronted adverbials and continue to work on non-chronological reports using technical, scientific vocabulary.



Further information about our trip to Littlehampton will be sent out over the next few weeks. Can we please ask for all final payments to be made via Parent Pay by Tuesday 30th June.



Thank you for your continued support and input – we appreciate and value your feedback.


We love school!



Topaz Class Assembly: Friday 5th June 2015

Littlehampton Beach Trip: Thursday 2nd July






We now have our own log ins for Oxford Owl - an online reading website with over 250 FREE tablet-friendly eBooks and activities. You can search by age, Book Band and genre to help you find the perfect book for you!


All you have to do is go to : www.oxfordowl.co.uk and click on Class Log In.

The username is either EPPSTopaz or EPPSAqua, and the password is Edwardp2.


Happy reading!

Come and see what your child will be learning this term!

The websites below are helpful for supporting your child to develop and apply their grammar skills in a fun and engaging way - the following websites are recommended for Key Stage 1.




Year 2 had a visit from the London Fire Brigade! We learned about how to stay safe in the event of a fire at our home and how fire alarms can save lives.

Last week, the whole school did a creative curriculum week based all around World War II. Here are some of the activities Y2 took part in, including making their own air raid shelters and practising air raid drills!

Year 2 have been experimenting with different instruments and their voices to represent the sounds of different forms of transport that commuters might use.

Still image for this video

Year 1 and Year 2 have been learning about lifecycles in science. To support this, the children have had the opportunity to watch these chicks hatch from their eggs. Please welcome Jeremy, Jemima, JJ and Charlie amongst others!

This week in Year 2 we have been looking at superlatives and created mindmaps of our MOST favourite superlatives.

Year 2 have been learning how to read the time!
