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Wow Work Of The Week Archive 2020 - 2021

Amelia, in Year 1, identified exclamation marks in a text.

Aaloya, in Year 1, identified the left and right directions.

Nour, in Year 1, identified exclamation marks and then wrote sentences including the punctuation.

Jakub, in Year 1, described where the shape is positioned in the picture.

Mollie, in Year 3, identified and used time and cause adverbs.

Khushi, in Year 3, completed a tally chart using data from the class.

CJ, in Year 4, created his own bar chart.

Ilisha, in Year 4, created her own bar chart.

Tommie Lee, in Year 4, used a variety of conjunctions in his writing.

Ilina, in Year 4, discussed how scaling is used when creating bar charts.

Ananya, in Year 4, completed her translation learning journey.

Billy, in Year 4, continued his learning journey about Translation.

Billy, in Year 4, explained and plotted co-ordinates on a graph.

Aaliya, in Year 1, wrote the time to the nearest O'Clock.

Davina and Clare, in Year 1, identified different emergencies in PSHE.

Zayn, from Year 1, identified emergencies in his PSHE lesson.

Mahnoor, Arya and Idris, in Nursery, created their own pizza.

Shayan, in Year 2, made a poster to show different ways to learn and play without using a device.

Tianna and Kaien, in Year 2, experimented with pastels to create different textures. They used different techniques and mediums to reflect the Moon's surface.

Annabelle, in Year 1, created a poster in PSHE encouraging screen free activities.

Zelda and Julia, in Year 3, created leaflets about taking care of our teeth.

Kielen and Poppie, in Year 5, produced informative posters about common drugs and their effects on someone's health.

Ishwin and Mahum, in Nursery, created their own monsters.

Jayden and Ilina, in Year 4, created their own jewellery design based on a design criteria.

Rejina, in Year 6, demonstrated her understanding of translation of shapes in many ways and has explained this in depth.

Terry, in Year 6, has written an excellent piece explaining his understanding of how human actions shape an area over time.

Inaaya, in Year 5, understood the changes humans go through from childhood to adulthood.​

Kyra, in Year 3, re-told a mythical story.

Zeina, in Year 5,used sources to find out about the 5 Tudor monarchs and understood their significance.

Lucas, in Year 2, wrote about the achievements of Neil Armstrong using historical language.

Frankie, in Year 3, researched the Romans.

Kallum, in Year 1, observed the development of a plant.

Yashfeen, in Year 1, organised the days of the week in order.

Sammy and Carmen, in Year 2, asked and answered their own questions about Neil Armstrong and the importance of the first Moon landing.

Kaien, in Year 2, was able to make predictions based on what he had read so far.

Selina, in Year 2, was able to find fractions out of amounts.

Thamanvi, in Year 4, labelled the places on a map where the Anglo-Saxons settled.

Kian, in Year 4, wrote and answered questions about the Anglo-Saxons.

Eddie, in Nursery, counted out 10 Bog Babies on the IWB and was able to write number 10 from memory.

Zannobia, in Nursery, used initial sounds to label her picture and wrote her name.

Mahum, in Nursery, used paper plates to make a frog.

Imani, in Nursery, drew the Bog Baby and used initial sounds to label her picture.

Prisha, in Year 3, used compass directions to find countries on a map.

Aaliyah, in Year 3, labelled different angles.

Kyra, in Year 3, used subheadings in a piece of writing.

Faith, in Year 3, explained the Rock cycle.

Farid, in Year 5, explored the POR book to select three viewpoints from the text and identified key information to support each viewpoint.

Oscar, in Year 5, used his investigation skills and his scientific reasoning to prove Miss Smith wrong in Science.

Surya, in Year 5, identified the missing lengths of composite rectilinear shapes using his knowledge of polygons and their properties and explained the method.

Abu Bakr, in Year 2, solved missing number problems by using the inverse!

Nathan, in Year 2, used his knowledge of basic needs to decide which objects which would be the most useful if he was deserted on an island.

Mufaddal, in Year 6. wrote a short but interesting piece about Cam’s return home. He has made sure that appropriate levels of formality are present throughout his speech and writing.

Moses, in Year 6, wrote a clear statement about his understanding of register and formality.

Niamh, in Year 6, created an excellent piece of Science work using her knowledge of the circulatory system as well as knowledge of a healthy diet.

Archie, in Year 6, successfully calculated the weight of large items and compared them to find the heaviest.

Krystal, in Year 6, provided an exceptional and detailed explanation of how metric units are different to imperial units of measurement.

Sara, in Year 1, drew some beautiful, neat arrays to help her when practising her multiplication.

Rohaan, in Year 1, found all of the proper nouns in the sentences, recognising that they all had a capital letter.

Ollie, in Year 1, wrote a beautiful piece of work using his knowledge of full stops and capital letters.

Zayn, in Year 1, learnt some fascinating facts about snails and used his knowledge to write all about them in his Guided Reading.

Hashir, in Year 2, identified what the characters did wrong in the computing activity and he was able to give examples on how to stay safe online.

Rabah, in Year 2, used his knowledge of similes to come up with his own ones and they were excellent ones!

Rachel, in Reception, wrote her words phonetically and has written the names of the vegetables she can see in Oliver's basket.

Hudson, in Reception, created a great piece of writing to describe his favourite vegetable.

Tommie-Lee, in Year 4, explained his views on the Ancient Greek achievements.

Sufyan, in Year 4, converted between pounds and pence. He could then explain the method.

Kristopher, in Year 4, wrote what he eats in Spanish.

Ethan, in Year 4, labelled the parts of the ear.

Vinol, in Nursery, sorted minibeasts into the correct group of legs or no legs.

Ayan, in Nursery, made a Bog Baby out of playdough.

Kielen, in Year 5, identified different word classes and showed his understanding of what suffixes are.

Mason, in Year 5, confidently sorted regular and irregular shapes into the correct columns.

Evelyn, in Year 5, created a composition which reflects the emotions of the Easter Story.

Farid, in Year 5, explored how Easter is a festival that celebrates new life.

Matthew, in Year 5, created a composition, which reflected the emotion felt, during a very sad and worrying moment of the Easter story.

Sribhav, in Year 6, demonstrated his understanding of how animals can be sorted into groups by their shared features.

Krystal, in Year 6, wrote a clear statement about how to identify different living things.

Gabi, in Year 6, demonstrated his understanding of how perimeter and area are related.

Matei, in Year 6, thought critically about how the media shares information with us and how it is targeted towards our interests.

Mason, in Year 6, demonstrated he is able to calculate the area of a triangle using a set formula.

Lily, in Reception, wrote a simple sentence using her sounds.

Hazeema, in Reception, wrote her own Greengrocer leaflet with drawing, labels and prices.

Aryan, in Reception, used the sounds he knows to label the parts of a flower.

Lewis, in Year 4, practised his 7x tables.

Millie, in Year 4, created a poster about her science topic, sound.

Jordan, in Year 3, drew 2D shapes using his prior knowledge.

Aroha, in Year 3, identified different countries of the world on a map.

Jeremiah, in Year 3, identified types of rocks and classified them based on their formation.

Om, in Nusery, drew a picture of a pond and used initial sounds to label her picture.

Mahum, in Nursery, put the pictures of the frog life cycle in the correct order.

Devina, in Year 1, made predictions about what might happen in the story.

Nour, in Year 1, made some fantastic predictions about what a book might be about using only the title.

Aleksander in Year 1, answered multiplication questions using repeated addition.

Amelia, in Year 1, made some creative predictions about what might happen in ‘Aliens love underpants’ and ‘Bears don’t eat egg sandwiches’.

Ethan, in Year 1, completed the reading comprehension to a high standard and learnt a lot of new facts about fish.

Elijah, in Year 4, created a poster explaining everything he knew about Ancient Greece.

Yaqub, in Year 4, sorted Spanish foods into healthy and not healthy.

Kavya, in Year 4, used her knowledge of verbs to choose which tense the sentences were written in.

Sarah, in Year 2, was able to identify odd and even numbers and then explain some patterns that she noticed.

Emilia, in Year 2, re-wrote sentences to use apostrophes for possession.

Tianna, in Year 2, re-wrote sentences to use apostrophes for possession.

Avi, in Year 2, sorted different numbers into odd and even.

Mufaddal, in Year 6, wrote a short but interesting piece about Cam’s return home. He has made sure that appropriate levels of formality are present throughout his speech and writing.

Moses, in Year 6, wrote a clear statement about his understanding of register and formality.

Niamh, in Year 6, created an excellent piece of Science work using her knowledge of circulatory system as well as knowledge of a healthy diet.

Archie, in Year 6, successfully calculated the weight of large items and compared them to find the heaviest.

Krystal, in Year 6, provided an exceptional and detailed explanation of how metric units are different to imperial units of measurement as well as showing how scales and tables can be used in real life.

Sophia, in Reception, labelled different types of bread from around the world using her phonic knowledge​.

Harshawn, in Reception, independently labelled his own insect research project.

Cassius, in Year 5, used a range of resources to understand the Easter story.

Idris, in Year 5, translated the French description of a bizarre animal and created a lovely illustration to show his understanding of the language.

Lola, in Year 5, identified different types of triangles by reviewing their properties. Lola also named different quadrilaterals and explained how their properties helped her to identify them.

Gifty, in Year 5, made some Viking bread.

Nicole, in Year 5, made some Viking bread.

Ishwin, in Nursery, made a spotty bus.

Idris, in Nursery, wrote his name on the IWB independently.

Kallum, in Year 1, did a beautiful piece of Science work on basic human needs and why exercise is important to keep us fit and healthy.

Alaya, in Year 1, completed the Lion's Lunch reading comprehension to a high standard and answered in full sentences.

Harlee, in Year 1, did some fantastic Maths work on minutes and seconds making great estimates and even carrying out the tasks using a stopwatch.

Mia, in Year 1, worked really hard on her verbs this week and thought of lots of different verbs to describe the pictures in ‘Nurse Clementine’.

Arnav, in Year 2, showed his working out when solving division number sentence by drawing groups and dots.

Leo, in Year 2, independently wrote several sentence which included apostrophes used for contractions.

Zoya, in Year 2, wrote a diary entry based on our POR using a range of apostrophes to show contractions.

Hashim, in Year 2, independently matched the division number sentence to correct grouping.

James, in Year 2, justified why everyday materials are used for more than one purpose.

Harrison, in Year 4, created his own ancient Greek vase.

Elijah, in Year 4, created his own ancient Greek vase.

Kyra K, in Year 3, applied her knowledge of column addition to solve a word problem.

Mollie, in Year 3, described of how our muscles and bones work to perform a movement.

Inaaya, in Year 5, carried out researched about Edward the Confessor in order to create a fact file about his life for the topic ‘The Vikings’.

Matthew, in Year 5, used his knowledge of pulse and rhythm to create his own verse for a song for Music.

Surya, in Year 5, identified all the different types of figurative language for Guided Reading and applied this knowledge to his own writing in English too.

Jamie C, in Year 5, showed he is confident when converting metric measures.

George, in Year 5, used his knowledge of personification and onomatopoeia to create sentences about the image in English.

Kristopher, in Year 4, used his rounding skills to estimate money values.

Rohaan, in Year 1, did an experiment about germs. He then was able to independently record his findings.

Aradhya, in Year 1, wrote a beautiful description in her phonics about the character of a witch using some amazing adjectives.

Eloise, in Year 1, completed her Guided Reading questions and was even able to find 2 words in the story that rhymed.

Anvi, in Year 1, did some fantastic Maths descriptions using her beautiful handwriting. Anvi was able to recognise the person at the front is winning the race and going the fastest and the person at the back is going slower.

James, in Year 1, completed an amazing Big Write on Florence Nightingale.

Jasmine, in Nursery, wrote receipts when playing in the role-play area. She was able to represent numbers on paper.

Jannat, in Nursery, used a range of media to make a rocket. She was able to say how she had made it.

Sophia , in Reception, labelled the different parts of a flower using her phonic knowledge.

Dylan, in Reception. enjoyed using the whiteboard to create a picture of a flower.

Aroush, in Reception, used a range of media and resources to create a picture of a park.

Sanvi, in Year 2, applied her knowledge of materials, their properties and their suitability for different purposes when designing a new version of Pudding Lane after the Great Fire of London.

Dylan, in Year 2, used his knowledge and understanding of rocks, bricks, glass and wood when redesigning Pudding Lane after the Great Fire of London.

Rabah, in Year 1, identified mistakes and change words into their contracted form!

Fatima, in Year 2, designed Pudding Lane and used her science knowledge of materials to help chose what things should be made out of.

Araiz, in Year 2, used his knowledge of subtraction to solve a problem involving temperature.

Myah, in Year 4, converted from pence to pounds and pounds to pence.

CJ, in Year 4, labelled his local area in Spanish.

Yassine, in Year 6, explained the circulatory system.

Alecia, in Year 6, explained her understanding of formal writing.

Wen Jie, in Year 6, explained his calculations when answering word problems.

Adeep, in Year 6, explained the circulatory system in animals.

Sribhav, in Year 6, explained his knowledge of formal writing.

Prisha, in Year 3, wrote instructions to explain how to make a sandwich.

Aaliyah, in Year 3, explained the functions of the Human Skeleton.

Joseph, in Year 3, explained his choices for a healthy meal.

Vaishnavi, in Year 3, explained her choices of a healthy meal.

Raayan, in Year 3, wrote a story using prepositions.

Farid, in Year 5, used his French knowledge to describe an animal.

Evelyn, in Year 5, designed a healthy meal inspired by the Vikings.

Kofi, in Year 5, used research to understand what ideas from the Vikings have had influence on Britain today.

Ryley, in Year 5, worked so hard on applying his maths skills this week. He has shown he is secure when multiplying and dividing by 100 and 1000.

Aydin, in Year 1, identified how he felt after exercise in his science lesson this week and understood the changes he felt in his body.

Aleksander, in Year 1, cut out and matched the irregular past tense verbs to the correct pictures.

Jojo, in Year 1, completed the green box activity about weight. He used the table to know how much the object weighed in cubes.

Claire, in Year 1, did some exercise at home and investigated what changes she noticed in her body.

Ethan, in Year 1, completed an amazing piece of phonics work this week where he planned a special party. Ethan then wrote a story about his party using past and present tense verbs.

Arya, in Nursery, used initial sounds to label pictures.

Arjun, in Nursery, drew a picture of a bus and labelled it. He also wrote his name.

Ilina, in Year 4, used the bus stop method to solve division questions.

Yaqub, in Year 4, described his snow day using fronted adverbials.

Diango, in Year 4, designed an ancient Greek vase.

Ethan, in Year 4, used his knowledge of area to answer word problems.

Shayan, in Year 2, applied his knowledge of tenses to edit the verbs which were used incorrectly.

Nuwairah, in Year 2, demonstrated that she is confident when solving word problems involving mass. She has also responded to feedback given by a teacher and improved her work as a result.

Selina, in Year 2, carried her own investigation and explained the suitability of bricks and rocks for different purposes.

Arnav, in Year 2, applied his knowledge and understanding of mass when solving word problems involving addition and subtraction.

Aurora, in Year 2, used common format to write her own algorithm for Teddy to find the hidden treasure.

Harry and David, in Year 6, have both produced excellent labelled diagrams about the circulatory system and they have included explanations of the different parts of the system.

Alicja, in Reception, retold the story of the gingerbread man using full sentences.

Mehry, in Reception, wrote sentences using the 'ay' sound

Amelia, in Reception, created a fact sheet all about a Horse. She wrote her answers to the questions independently using her phonic knowledge.

Kyra, in Year 3, applied her knowledge of prepositions.

Ardra, in Year 3, created a healthy plate of food.

Alex, in Year 4, used his knowledge of measurement to calculate the area of rectilinear shapes.

Danusia, in Year 4, created a mind map to show everything she knew about the ancient Greeks.

Hriaan, in Nursery, created his own rocket.

Zeinab, in Year 6, demonstrated her knowledge of cohesive devices.

Carla, in Year 6, demonstrated her understanding of increasing and decreasing percentages.

Piotr, in Year 6, demonstrated the flow of blood within the circulatory system.

Tegan, in Year 3, used an algorithm to sort numbers in order.

Kyra, in Year 3, wrote a story based around the POR which includes prepositions.

Daniel, in Year 3, investigated how the digestive system works.

Zayn, in Year 5, created a PowerPoint presentation to show the food types we must eat to have a healthy balanced diet.

Kofi, in Year 5, used research to understand what ideas from the Vikings have had influence on Britain today.

Oliver, in Year 5, converted units of measure.

Victoria, in Year 5, worked against the countdown clock to find synonyms using a thesaurus.

William, in Year 2, used his knowledge of materials and found the properties of wood and glass.

Abu Bakr, in Year 2, used his knowledge of measurement and to decide how different objects would be measured and he converted some from grams to kilograms.

Billy, in Year 4, created a mind map explaining everything he knew so far about the Ancient Greeks.

Waqas, in Year 4, wrote an outstanding piece of descriptive writing using fronted adverbials.

Luvin, in Year 2, used his knowledge of measurement and division to solve this word problem successfully.

Reuben, in Year 2, wrote an excellent diary entry inspired by our POR book ‘A Walk in London’ using correct tenses to show when the action happened.

Sammy, in Year 2, used scientific vocabulary to describe the properties of wood and glass.

Devina, in Year 1, created a lovely fact file about nurses.

Amelia, in Year 1, worked really hard when practicing her handwriting and has even started to join her letters.

Jennifer, in Year 1, created a beautiful piece of work describing her 5 senses when she went on a walk.

Nour, in Year 1, created sentences using the common exception words she had been practising in her handwriting.

Rocco, in Year 1, completed an amazing piece of work describing how you can recognise when the weight is the same.

Amelia, in Reception, created her own animal fact file for her science activity.

Mehry, in Reception, created sentences using the 'ay' sound.

Anika and Hetty-Grace, in Year 4, designed their own chocolate bar.

Ethan and Devina, in Year 1, designed a dolls house.

A​bhijna, in Year 6, has created a piece of propaganda to urge people to stop wasting time to save the world!

Aaliya, in Year 1, studied different materials.

Kyra, in Year 3, identified the counties and cities in the UK.

Ardra, in Year 3, explained the pollination process.

Muffadal, in Year 6, worked exceptionally hard on creating a propaganda piece that matches the theme and messages of World War 2

David, in Year 6, has created an excellent piece of World War 2 propaganda to encourage people to evacuate to safer areas.

Andra and frank, in Year 3, located counties in the United Kingdom.

Carla, in Year 6, demonstrated her understanding of human geographical features by examining resources and commenting on how land is used in France.

Codie, in Year 6, has been hypothesising what happens within circuits if components are added based on his knowledge of voltage and electricity.

Jiya and Ayaan, in Year 3, created a flower diagram accompanied by the function of each part of a plant.

Navya, in Year 4, wrote a detailed description using expanded noun phrases.

Lola, in Year 5, described the phases of the moon.

Minza, in Year 6, made some excellent observations within Science and experimented on the effect of higher voltages on components.

Adeep, in Year 6, worked exceptionally hard in Maths this week exploring how to convert between fractions and decimal equivalents.

Terry, in Year 6, demonstrated his understanding of the definitions for words and suggested appropriate synonyms and antonyms for each in English

Navya, in Year 4, during her Science lesson, predicted what happens to food when it is swallowed.

Arnav and Emilia, in Year 2, explored and compared things that are alive, dead and never alive independently.

Myah, in Year 4, wrote expanded noun phrases with prepositions.

Avi used his knowledge of tens to match number sentences with their visual representations.

Jennifer, in Year 1, wrote parts of a story.

Rocco, in Year 1, wrote subtractions sentences.

Amelia, in Year 1, wrote the beginning, middle and end of a story.

Idris, in Year 1, subtracted one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers.

Senudi, in Year 3, wrote a diary entry as Matt Pinsent the day before his Olympic final.

Matthew, in Year 5, replicated the style of Margaret Mee by creating his own still life art.

Lola, in Year 5, learnt about the work of Margaret Mee.

Amelia, in Year 1, investgated the skipping rope in History.

Harlee, in Year 1, investigated the properties of Lego.

Jennifer, in Year 1, looked at the history of the spinning top.

Harry, in Year 6, wrote an explanation of how we see objects. Harry also drew a diagram to support this.

Thomas, in Year 6, solved practical number problems involving place value and rounding.

Jennifer, calculated one more and one less than a given number.

Alaya, calculated one more and one less of a given number.

Riansh, in Year 1, answered word problems in maths.

Nathan, in Year 2, confidently partitioned numbers in different ways and then explained his reasoning.

Aarun, in Year 2, showed he can order two digit numbers and find equals of amounts.

Tanya, in Year 5, identified pronouns and relative pronouns in sentences.

Aarun, in Year 1, has completed sentences that make sense using a variety of conjunctions.

Adeep, in Year 6, was able to identify cohesive sentences and explain how conjunctions and adverbials help us develop cohesion in writing.

Kane, in Year 6, has shown he is able to create excellent cohesion within his paragraphs using a range of linguistic devices.

Riansh, in Year 1, described his favourite toy.

James, in Year 1, described his favourite toy.

Noor, in Year 1, has learnt how to use capital letters in her writing.

Jordan, in Year 3, wrote a paragraph using compound sentences.

Ethan and Maisie, in Year 4, have studied singular and plural possession.

Luvin and Sanvi, in Year 2, practised using and to join clauses.

Ilisha, in Year 4, compared and ordered numbers.

Charles, in Year 2, wrote an acrostic poem about his favourite hobby.

Shayan, in Year 2, made a poster advertising his own club based on his hobby.

Damari, In Year 2, wrote a poem about what makes him special.

Casey and Ananya, in Year 4, practised their cave painting drawings.
