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Maths Wizard Challenge

Maths Wizard Challenge


Hampton School are excited to announce the launch of their online Maths Wizard Challenge! As a number of our puils have benefitted from attending Maths Wizard compeitions at Hampton school in the past, they have opened this platform to our pupils. It is designed to engage pupils in Years 4, 5 & 6 with the world of numbers and these online challenges provides enthusiastic mathematicians with the opportunity to put their problem-solving skills to the test. 


A range of fun and challenging puzzles will be set each week and the answers (with workings) are posted the following week.  Correct answers earn points with high scoring Wizards securing a place on the Wizard leader board and winners receiving prizes.  Pupils submit their answers online via the website entering their first name, school name and year group only. 


This is a great opportunity we would like to offer to our pupils in order to further their maths learning. The Maths Wizard Challenge can be found at https://hamptonschool.org.uk/maths-wizard/


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
