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Partial reopening of school from Tuesday 5th January

Dear Parents and Carers,


Reopening of school for the Spring Term


We write further to the announcement yesterday that, due to high infection rates in some areas, some primary schools will not now reopen until at least Monday 18th January. Many of you will now be aware that this includes primary schools in Hounslow as well as many other London boroughs.


The Government has asked all schools in this category to offer attendance in person to pupils whose parents or carers are critical workers or who are considered vulnerable.


The list of critical workers can be found at:



In order for places to be allocated to pupils ready to attend school on Tuesday 5th January, all parents and carers will receive a form via ParentMail. Please complete this form by 5pm on Sunday 3rd January to indicate if you are a critical worker or if you believe that your child is vulnerable and therefore needs a place. The form will also ask you to confirm if you will require a place at Breakfast or Ted’s Club.


The school will email you on Monday 4th January to confirm the allocation of a place and the arrangements for the school day. Please do not send your child to school on Tuesday 5th January if you have not received a letter.


All other pupils will move to remote learning via J2e from Tuesday 5th January until they are able to return to school. In order to support this, work will be uploaded to the system and a reminder will be sent to all parents and carers on Monday 4th January of children’s log in details and the guides to assist in operating the system. The expectation is that pupils will complete the work set by their teachers on J2e.


Please remember that we also remain available to offer support to all our families so please get in touch via info@edwardpauling.hounslow.sch.uk if there is anything that we can help you with and continue to check ParentMail and the school website for additional information.


We would like to thank all parents and carers for their ongoing support of the school at this difficult time.



