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  • Message from Public Health Hounslow and Councillor Tom Bruce

    Sun 17 Jan 2021

    We have received the messages below in respect of the current public health situation from London Borough of Hounslow to share with parents and carers.


    Hounslow Council’s Director of Public Health, Kelly O’Neill, said:


    “Around one in thirty people in London are currently infected with COVID-19. In Hounslow, where 49 people died with COVID-19 in December alone, the picture is just as stark and the number of deaths due to the increased numbers of cases of infection and people requiring hospital care will increase in January. This current very high rate of infection in our borough is increasing fast- as the Prime Minister said when announcing their closure - schools can act as vectors for the virus. Right now, we need to keep doing everything we can to stop the virus from spreading. We agree with the Government’s decision to close schools and for schools to only stay open for those pupils who are in the greatest need; this emergency measure will help schools to maintain a safe environment for children and staff.


    “As the Government's guidance has made clear, where people can keep their child/children at home for remote learning, they should. The simple truth is that if schools become overused, the lockdown will fail. If schools become overused, the demands on teachers will mean schools cannot operate safely. We are appealing to schools to limit as far as possible the extent to which they offer emergency childcare on site, and to maximise take-up of online learning at home. We appeal too to families to keep their child or children learning at home. 


    "Without the continued support of everybody, this lockdown will not work. If you need more help, please speak to your school. Thank you.”


    For more information, please visit: https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/coronavirus 



    Councillor Tom Bruce, Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Youth Services added:


    "As a Cabinet Member, parent and teacher myself, I recognise the enormous pressure parents and schools are under, especially while staff are teaching not just in schools, but also online. The quality of online learning provision is very high, and I am confident that - in exceptionally tough circumstances - our children are getting the best possible home education. I urge parents; keep children at home and learning, rather than in schools' emergency childcare."


    We would like to thank all parents and carers for following this advice and the rules currently in place during this time to keep everyone as safe as possible.

  • Arrangements for the reopening of school at the start of the Spring Term

    Mon 04 Jan 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers


    Further to our letter and form sent last week, we would like to thank all parents and carers for responding so that we can offer places to all pupils who are either vulnerable or where you are critical workers.


    Parents and carers whose children have been offered a place in school at this time will have received a letter today via ParentMail confirming this. Please note that pupils are expected to attend school in school uniform apart from their PE days:

    Reception - Fridays

    Year 1 - Mondays (Thursday in the week beginning 04.01.2021 only)

    Year 2 - Tuesdays

    Year 3 - Wednesdays

    Year 4 - Wednesdays

    Year 5 - Thursdays

    Year 6 - Fridays


    School will follow a curriculum timetable and all mitigating measures remain in place so please check through the information sent today. A revised risk assessment is now on the school website.


    All other pupils will move to remote learning from Tuesday 5th January. Parents and carers will have received an email giving all instructions for using J2e and details of their child(ren)'s username and password. 


    Staff have ensured that work from subjects across the curriculum has been shared on J2e ready for pupils to access and complete - please note that the expectation is that pupils who do not attend school should complete work on J2e. This is to ensure that they continue to make progress with their learning and will be marked by year group staff to inform future learning - we very much appreciate the support of parents and carers in this. School will contact parents and carers who experience issues with the use of J2e or where pupils do not complete work to offer solutions and support. 


    Please do let school know if you need any support either by telephone or email. 
